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This is chapter 29.

THIS STORY HIT THE 100K READS MARK AND 4K VOTES! OMG GUYS! OMG HOW CAN I EVER THANK YOU.... Can't believe that there'll be this day too omg...

Ok guys seriously I'm really sorry for the long update. I know it is bad but yeah, I have reasons valid enough and I'll tell you guys below, short and sweet(bitter). So read on!


"Mistress! Crown Princess is here!" From the widely-opened wooden doors, polished and carved into lotus frames, a young servant, who looks so innocent for her youthful looks of about twelve years old, barges into Jade's quarters in a behaviour rude enough to receive punishment. However, she should consider herself lucky as Jade too, understands the little girl's sufferings for being a servant. Thus Jade will never punish those servants, she promises herself repeatedly.

"Huh?" She is still trying her best to digest the little servant's words when a swift movement of orange-coloured fabrics at the doors catches her attention and she diverts her gaze from the little girl to the person standing by the doors. Shana's expression is as her usual, straight, expressionless, neither happy nor angry. Her eyes are staring straight at Jade, scrutinising her from head to toes without leaving a single detail.

"Mi-Mistress greets Crown Princess."

"Sister, quick stand up. There is no need for such formalities." Shana picks up her speed without hesitating and lends both her hands to Jade, which she receives though with much heavy feelings inside her heart.

"Mistress wonders what may have brought Crown Princess here so early in the morning?" Jade's voice can be heard trembling slightly while she herself grips her dresses tightly under her sleeves. Crown Princess is a noble and educated lady from the honourable Wales family, while she is actually just a slave-turned-daughter from the Leanne family who does not know a single writing, literature nor does she have a good sewing skills, though she has been improving in her leisure time.

When she takes a peek for a mere one glance at Crown Princess, she realises how much of a beauty she is. Such a beauty that makes her cower in inferiority.

Crown Princess Shana Wales is a beautiful and educated noble girl from the well-known Wales family, while Mistress Jade Leanne is just a plain uneducated girl from the Leanne family, which not even many knows about. And what is worse, is that she is not even a Leanne, but the slave Yeva. This is a fact that has been carved permanently into Jade, a fact that rips her self-esteem day by day.

"Sister needs not be so scared of me." Shana pulls her lips into a smile and carefully walks in a graceful manner with Jade's hand in hers towards the table in the middle of Jade's palace. Then she sits across of Jade, while Rowena and Ruyo both sits behind their masters.

"We are both to serve Crown Prince. We should be living in harmony like sisters, and never bring any trouble to Crown Prince. So I would like to cultivate a good relationship with Sister. I wonder if Sister will agree to this?" Of course no one can ever describe how shocked Jade is when she has only managed to digest all Shana's words one by one. She successfully keeps her expression calm just like how she usually looks like, but definitely her heart beats a thousand times faster, for she is still unsure of what to reply Shana.

"Ye-yes." Is the only answer she can think of. Though clearly Shana can see through the uncertainty in Jade from her actions, she is happy enough with her short but satisfactory answer.

"Then maybe we can start with me calling you Sister while you call me Sister?" She stretches out her arm and her hand enclose Jade's as she tried her best to again reassure her that she means no harm. So she smiles again, then receiving a similarly harmless smile in return.

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