Jan Yeva

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Chapter 44.


Recap: In the previous chapter, the Empress was not able to hide her health conditions any longer as she fainted. Crown Prince was summoned to visit her, but he refused to as he did not know what happened. This infuriated the Emperor who then put Crown Prince under house arrest. In the end, the Empress could no longer hold it. She passed away, without being able to meet Crown Prince for the one last time. Crown Prince regretted, but everything was already too late.


The sea of flowers have been taken over by the fresh greenness, a sign that the summer has arrived, earlier than it should be. He is just sitting alone, on the small pavilion built not too long ago in his garden, facing the small green pond of Koi fishes situated against a beautiful sculpture of rocks.

How old is he already? Forty six, he is already forty six. He has been a successful general at such a young age, but remains unmarried because he has refused countless requests from other noble families. Now, he is wondering, why is it that he has been refusing their requests?

Oh, yeah...she is gone...

What is the meaning of death? Even if she is gone, even if the whole Empire mourns for her, he does not feel that she has gone. He feels that she is still around, it is just her body that has died, her soul has not. He is not used to the meaning of death, despite having killed so many people in the battlefield.

Maybe the time is up. Maybe he should leave, leave the ever-lasting chaotic world of the palace and the Imperial Family. He has protected the Empire long enough, so long that she has left the world. He has protected the Empire where she lives, he has protected her. It is time to stop, because going on is not worth it. Since the Wales family already have several ministers in position and Shana as the Crown Princess, he can rest. There is no longer any need for him to fight anymore anyway, because the Empire has been generally in peace after Seventh Princess is sent over for a political marriage.

He is no longer needed, he thinks.

So he just picks up the brush from beside the roll of empty book, dipped the tip into the black ink.

He writes out his last letter to the Emperor, to inform him of his wish to retire.

He knows that there is no reason for the Emperor to reject the general, because the Emperor is clear on the reason for the general's loyalty. Now that the reason has died, there is no longer any need for the general to continue serving him.


The canopy of clouds block the moonlight and the stars from the palace. That night is especially dark and chilly, as though there is an upcoming storm. The heat is not felt, instead breezes are passing by the trees, creating creepy rustles in the lightless night.

His room was dark, completely dark without a single candle being lit. The silence of the night only serenades his loneliness and despair. He is tired, both his body and soul.

And suddenly, he catches the creaking sound of wood coming from the side of the room. He lifts his head towards the source of that sound, finding the windows being opened and the silhouette of a figure covered in black coat standing in the middle of the windows.

He does not feel any fear at all, because he senses no danger from that person. That figure climbs over the windows and pushes it back, limiting his vision of that person again. Crown Prince never backs away when the figure in dark closes in on him. It amazes that person as well, that he is not faltered by his presence.

"Who are you?" Crown Prince asks, the curiosity in him is growing. Instead of an answer, silence is given to him as a reply. That person is by now standing right in front of him and then lifts his head for him to see.

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