Surprise, surprise.

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   In the truck, I sit quietly driving home. My window is down and my arm upright on the side of the widow, playing with my chin. It's a two hour drive back home. Two hours of pondering my thoughts. Mom always tells me to never overthink things, but it's really hard not to.
*cellphone rings*  I pick up the phone. "Hello?" I hear my mothers voice, normally calm and soft, but not right now. Right now her voice sounds more....enthusiastic, yet still fearful. "Eliot, when are you going to get home?"  I sit up in my seat leaning on the steering wheel. "In 30 minutes if I need to, what's going on mom? Are you okay?" I begin to panic and wonder if I should just punch the gas right now.
"NO! No, Eliot! You are not going to break the law! Just get here as soon as possible." I relax hesitantly in my seat. "A-alright, but mom what's going on?"
"You'll find out soon enough." She replies slowly.
"Mom wi-" she cuts me off, "Child will you just get home?! I'll tell you when you get here, just get home." I sigh, "But- yeah never mind." I gave up realizing I won't win. Mom sounds like she is talking with a wide smile. "Thank you honey! I love you!"
"I love you too mom, I'll see you in an hour" I hung up the phone. I put my phone down slowly, and put both hands on the steering wheel.
"Wow" I say to myself. "I wonder what she has in store for me now.."
The drive felt like it lasted for hours, the anticipation was killer. Finally I pulled up in the drive way and let out a groan of exhaustion. 
"Welp, here goes nothing." I got out of the car and went to the front door unlocking it. I walk in slowly and close the door behind me, never taking my eyes away from the inside of the house.
"Mom?" I say out loud.
"In here honey!" I walk towards her voice and look into our dinning room and see her sitting at the table looking at what seems to be a small box.
" that what I think it is??"

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