Chapter 15

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I ran to the same place I originally found Kiragi. I looked around the entrance, and heard Shigure's foot steps. I looked around, seaching for a place to hide. I hid behind a random pot, and waited for him to go away. He sighed, and looked down the entrance. He ran down, and I started to panic. I heard yelling, and pulled out my bow and arrow, running down the steps. When I got down, I shot a man that was holding onto Shigure. Kiragi looked at me grimly.

"Midori!" he shouted. Another guy came in, and started yelling words I wasn't allowed to repeat. Shigure grabbed something, and took off. I was then grabbed my the man. He took my bow and arrow, and crushed them in his hands.

"You have the same eyes as your mother," he said, rubbing my face. "Princess Azura, yes?" I didn't reply.

"Let go of her!" Kiragi yelled. The man grinned, and threw me in his cage, and threw the cage. Kiragi and I tumbled over each other multiple times. He stared right into my eyes, as if angry. "Why did you come here?"

"I came to save you," I explained. He sighed into my neck, sending shivers down my spine. My heart beat started to get faster again. We were in a very awkward position. He was ontop of me, and my legs stuck out of the cage.


I panted when I got to the castle again.

"Don't do that again Midori!" I scolded. I went to look at her, but I saw I was holding someone's arm. I shreiked, dropping the arm. Where was Midori?

~Chapter done by NekoTriforce~

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