What has society turned into?
A Selfish,
Sorrowful place...
There use to be a better time,
when children could atleast enjoy there youth.
For most,
That is impossible now.
Everyone has there own issues,
assume they're all alone,
and that they'll never be happy again.
we can't just think about ourselves.
we have to think about each other.
we need to stick together,
and try to make people realize,
it will get better,
if we stop;
the drama,
the judging,
the bullying.
people need to know they have someone;
to come to,
to talk to,
to get advice from.
if they don't,
they'll feel all alone,
and it will only get worse.
Do you really want people feeling this way?
Even though I'm just one person,
I'm one person who can make a change;
and so are you!
I wanna be the difference,
i want people to know they can trust me.
i'll try to help.
if you're a stranger,
or family,
i'll be there for you!
you're life means alot to me,
even if I don't know you.
you're life doesn't deserve to end,
so don't tell yourself that.
no matter how you are feeling,
even in the worse of situations,
you have a friend,
or atleast a person here for you.
i don't wanna see you go,
not then,
not now,
not ever,
so don't end it before you get a chance to live it!