Don't leave. (GamTav Fanfic)

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It was dark and dull lighting in my hive. No one was here with me, just me and my wheel chair. I started to tear up when i looked at my dead legs. I kept yelling out the same words in my head. 'wHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME, wHY DID'NT HAPPEN TO SOMEONE ELES'.

My eyes started to get hotter and hotter every time a i tear went down my cheek, until my eyes ,started to burn.

My tears were running down my face non-stop, my face and the top my shirt started to get wet. There was no sound besides the echoing of my cries circleing my pod.

I started to wheel around my hive trying to look for a knife or any kind of sharp object. "i,,uH,,dONT THINK ME LIVING IS WORTH ANY THING TO ANYONE ANYMORE" I started to think of why is happened.

I was thinking over of how i became like this. Why did this happen?. I wish it was someone eles. Who did it again?. Vriska. My "use" to be flush crush made me like this.

To stay in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. After i cunfest my flush feelings for her. And she throws it away like garbage. Now she makes fun of me and bullys me everyday. Im a useless/helpless lowblood thats ever been born.

I found a knife sitting on the table waiting to be used. I grab the knife a stared at it for awhile and thinking if anyone would give a shit if i just died right here right now.

I sat in my wheel chair looking at the knife i was holding in my hand and went closer and closer to my neck. Then suddenly there was a knock at my door. I jumped a bit and fell of my wheel chair making a small whimper as i fell face first on the ground.

I dropped th knife by my wheel chair, I hate myself that the knife missed me. I turned my head towords the door still wondering why would anyone want to come here, and bother to put up with me. "h-hELLO??,,,".


I was chilling in my hive slamming a faygo and sobor slime pie. I looked over to my husktop and desided to check on how my brothers were doing.I logged in and seen 10 new messages, there from Karkat. He was yelling at me agian, man Karkat sure needs to get his chill on once and awhile and not so crabby.

But Tavbro was not online, it weird uselly Tavbro is online around this time. I started to get worried. I toke another slam on a sobor slime pie, trying to get my head back up.

I desided , after a couple shots of faygo to go see if my Tavbro is alright. I went to a mirror to put on my face paint and to fix my black thuck messy hair, but it seems like even if i fix it look still look the same.

I grabbed my baggy poke a doded paints and put them on fast and went to the door and started my walk to Tavbro's hive.I kept thinking about Tavbro if his okay and nothing happened to him. After a couple of minutes of walking i finally made it to Tavbro hive.

I take a deep breath before walking up to his door and knocking softly wondering if Tavbro was there. Not long until i heared a small thud. I sighed in releave. 'tHaT muSt Of BeEn TaVbRo, I hOPe HiS oKaY.' I said to myself before worrying more. "h-hELLO??,,,"

I opened Tavbros door and seen my Tavbro on the floor by his wheel chair in his dem light hive. I ran up to him and tried to help him up, back on his wheel chair.

I looked at Tavbro and seen dry tear marks on his cheek. Was he crying?. When i toke a glance over i seen a sliver knife by his wheel chair. Did he try killing himself. I started to cry, warm light purple tears falling from my face and landed on Tavbros legs.

I hope he did'nt do anything to harm himself.


I sigh it was only Gamzee at my door. I seen him come up to me. What does his want. Gamzee helped me up back on my stupid wheel chair. I wonder what his doing here.

As soon as i got on my wheel chair i closed my eyes for awhile thinking about if Gamzee did'nt come here i would of been dead right now. I started to feel a warm liquid hitting my leg.

I opened my eyes and there i seen. Gamzee crying in front of me. I never seen him cry. Ever. And his a highblood. But thats not importent. Im still wondering why his here. What does he want. And why is he crying.

"g-gAMZEE?" I said softly trying not to stardle him. I touched his cheek, his cheek was cold but it started to warm up when his purple tears run down his face.

"wHy?....wHy DiD yOu TrY kIlLInG yOuSeLf?" Gamzee words came out low i can barly hear him. The words shot throw my mind. Why did i try killing myself? Oh yeah im a cripple and im a no body here.

"uH,,,iM NOT WORTH LIVNG HERE,,,a-aNY MORE BECAUSE IM CRIPPLED AND,,uH,,nO ONE REALY CARES ABOUT ME AND,,iTS NOT LIKE ANYONE IS GOING TO, n-nOTICE IM GONE ANYWAYS," It was hard to say it. The words still echoed in my head 'wHY DID I TRY KILLING MYSELF,',' My head started to hurt.

"bUt...WhY dId YoU?...yOu KnOw SoMeOnE hErE rEaLlY cArES iF yOuR mOtHeRfUcKiNg GoNe..." His words was like a shape knife going throw my heart when he said 'someone'. What im i thinking. No ones cares if im gone. Everyone here are cold hearted trolls.

"b-bUT-" My words were cut off when i felt warm lips pushing on to mine. My eyes widen and seen Gamzee face really close to mine. Feeling another warm lips against mine started to make my flush a bit. My lips started to get hot and my body started to get warm.



Hi all readers! I hope you guys like my highly short suck ass fanfic I made. (( btwthisismyfirstfanficievermadejusttotellyou ))

Soooooo~ please comment if you want this to continue or what you want to happen next chapter if it does continue and shit like that.

So yeah! Like, comment whatever and I'm going to go hide in shame now. ^^;;

Don't leave. (GamTav Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now