Don't leave. (ENDING)

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His lips were soft and warm, but his cheek was covered in faint brown tears. It was hard to see my adorable cute bro crying, its just sad. I pull back just to see my bro tearing up again. "oH sHiT, bRo DiD I FuCK uP aGaIN?" I asked while looking into Tavros glossy eyes, worried if I hurt him again.

He looks up at me with drops of salty tears in his eyes, smiling. He smiled? I started to give him a smile back. I don't know why he was smiling but I just went with it, but seeing him smile was the light to my dark world. "g-gAMZEE?,,," Tavvy said while looking down at his legs. "yEaH bRo?"

Tavros mumbled some words I didn't understand under is breath. I raised an eye brow and used my right hand to left up his chin to look right into my dull dark purple eyes making Tavvy blush light bown across his face from ear to the other ear.

"CaN yOu AlL uP aNd SaY iT lOuDeR tAvVy?" I said quietly to him while giving him a smirk. My Tav kept looking into my eyes opening and closing his mouth once and a while. His trying to tell me something, but I don't know what his going to say, this is starting to get kinda frustrating. We kept our eyes on lock until I leaned down to give him a soft little kiss on the cheek making his whole face turned light brown, he started to stutter words but still I can't understand him.

Tavros leans in to catch me on the lips and i blush with the feeling of his lips on my own. I started to blush dark purple, it was showing through my face paint.

He pulls back and rest his head on my chest. " i,,i THINK I LOVE YOU,,,,gAMZEE,," Tavros says while gripping my black shirt, digging his nail in it leaving holes. I smile and put my hand on his head, petting his hair. " I lOvE yOu ToO tAvBrO " I said while leaning in to peck a soft kiss on his cheek.

I love my little Tavbro.


I don't know what to say. I can't tell him. I think I'm starting to love him. He still cares for me even if I'm useless as a bird without its wings. He's been with me all these sweeps, he always cared for me.

I looked at his eyes once again then moments later leaning in to peck a kiss on his soft lips. I pulled back to see dark purple flush starting to form on his face even with his face paint on, you can see some of it on his cheeks. I rest my head on Gamzee chest, I need to tell him.

" i,,i THINK I LOVE YOU,,,,gAMZEE,, "

I gripped his shirt more blushing trying to keep calm trying not to scream at myself, what if gamzee doesnt like me in THAT way? what is he thinks im gross? what is he doenst want to see me anymore? what did i just do?! oh gog im so scared of what gamzee going to say.

"I lOvE yOu ToO tAvBrO" Gamzee said while leaning down to lightly kiss my cheek, I blush and my eyes widen, did i hear that right? Im not just thinking this? did gamzee just say he LOVED me?!? I hope or i would look like a total fool in front of him.

 I lift my head a bit to face gamzee again and he gives me a smile showing off his sharp teeth a bit, I blush and give gamzee a smile back showing just the tip of my sharp teeth. Gamzee leans in and goes to my neck lightly kissing it which makes me slip out a soft and short moan.

Gamzee chuckles as he starts to roughly bite down on my neck leaving small spots where he bit, I bite my bottom lip to stay quiet but muffles out a couple soft moans feeling my face warm up. I push Gamzee away a bit panting lightly and starting to feel all hot, all over my body.

What is this feeling?


Tavbro has pushed me away. Oh shit! I hope didn't push it to far! fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I looked at my cute bro making sure I didn't push him to his limit. I also glance over to see light and small bite marks on his neck, shit did I do that? I started to get worried if I hurt him when I was all up and biting him.

" yOu AlL uP aNd OkAy TaVvY? " I said while placing my hand on his back. Tav looked at me with half open eyes and with a sign of lust and with a little bit of blush on his cheeks. Oh, oh shit did I just....Turn him on?! oh fuck, I forgot that's tavvy's sweet spot is his neck.

" g-gAMZEE,,,mY BODY FEELS,,,h-,,hOT," Tavros said while leaning in to rest his head on my shoulder. oh shit, what do I do know? I never really turned on anyone before but this is my cute lil troll tav I don't want to hurt or be rough with him.

I lightly put both my hands on his shoulders and pushes him back a bit to face me again. '' lOoK bRo, rIgHt NoW yOuR kINdA tUrNeD oN, bUt DoNt mOtHeRfUcKiN wOrRy IlL tAkE gOoD cArE oF yOU '' I said while pulling him in for a hug. I can tell Tav was shocked cause the way he blankly stared at me when I told him he was turned on. 

Tavros looked up at me and gave me a small smile and said softly " tHEN AREN'T YOU GOING TO UM, h-hELP ME OUT? '' I just stared at him for awhile before getting it through my think pan and then started to form a smirk across my smile.

I pulled myself off of My little cutie and picked him up off his wheel chair wrapping my arm around his legs and back. Tavros started to blush even more while being picked up and he also knows what is going to happen very soon. I started to walk to his bedroom blushing slightly and thinking about what im I going to do.

I walk into his room and softly kicks at the door to open but fails. I hiss and use my hand under tavs legs to get closer enough to turn the door nob and struggles but finally opens the door, I give myself a high five in my head and walk into tavs room closing the door behind us.

Tonight is going to be FUN.


AN PLEASE READ: HEY! im so sorry this chapter toke forever! I was having writers block and I had a lot of things I had to do for school, I do have a job now and I just got a matesprit! buut we broke up, I did kinda break down for awhile cause of that but im pulling myself back together.

ALSO I know I kinda did leave you in a cliff hang there of whats gamzee ganna do to tavros and stuff- im just not to sure if you guys what the whole smut chapter but if you do comment.

I am making more storys such as ' Golden Dream Land ' GamTav Fanfic I did finish (please read) and im making many more, im also taking request for short or chapter to chapter storys.

okay that's all, comment, like, vote, follow or whatever. bye by3 now- :B

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