Alex-Chapter 2

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Callie has lost her freaking mind I swear to Gods. She killed a whole family. I remember when she felt horrible about killing the gardener. She's not even Callie anymore, not even Eva. She's gone and I can tell this is going to be a problem. A big problem. She sent us back to Virgo's house like we were five year olds and it's time for bed. I need to talk to Virgo. She said not to leave the grounds or it'll be like a lightning striking you, I remember how she described it too. She said you'd be out for a couple of days. I don't see why she's making us a prisoner inside this place. I don't want to try her but I'm not gonna stand here and take it. So she'd better take her tyranny away and suck up to the fact that we are supposed be equal. Not one rules all and all bow down and kiss her feet. If that' what she wants from me she's gonna be surprised. I ran my fingers through my hair. How am I gonna do this she's way too powerful. I stopped for a minute. Powerfull, I repeated in my head. I smirked. That's the problem she's too powerful she's probably just drunk with power. So if the power's gone then she's back. How can I get rid of the power though. I could get Artemis to ask Zeus to fix her. I started to pace around my room. I'm way too stressed out. I'm usually not like this. I sighed and closed my eyes. I let my breathing and heart beat steady. Okay what steps am I gonna take to get Callie back? I'm going to try to talk to Artemis hope she'll talk to Zeus for me, if everything goes right then Zeus should be able to take her powers away well her godly powers anyway. I sat back down no matter what I think up It won't change the fact that I'm locked here. Almost like an electric fence. I cracked my knuckles. What happened. How did she get these powers? Was it her deal with Hades? No. Hades would let her take another God as a pet. My head started throbbing. 'What do I do' ran through my head undoubtedly a thousand times. 'Why don't you act on it instead of sitting here?' Aries said.

"Because I'm not sure what to do" I accidently said outloud. I stood up and paced some more. I need to think of something so when I go downstairs I have a good reason to be a mess. I was banging my fist against the wall, throwing things as I could just to keep from clawing my own eyes out. Why Callie. Why now. She took 6 months away from us. I can't remember 6 months of my fucking life because my sister wanted to go through a phase. I slammed my fists into the wall again one last time and definitely the hardest time. Before I could connect the dots half my arms were embedded in the wall and covered in drywall. A lot of the debris fell onto the floor as I pulled my arms out of the wall. I wiped some of the drywall off of my arms. 'good going, idiot' He said. I looked down. Great something else to fix. I went downstairs and got the plaster out of the cabinet. I jogged up the steps with it. 'You forgot your putty knife,idiot.' I sighed. When I got back up stairs I could tell that it's gonna take me a while to fix the hole. I put some music on while I was fixing the hole. When I finished I went outside. I wonder where the line ends in the back yard. I don't look forward to getting zapped , but I feel contained. I feel so caged. I've never mixed well with being contained. I thought they would know that. I sat on a tree stump on the woods line. My mind was racing, I kept my focus on the nothing that was happening in the wood. A cool breeze swept it's way through my thick hair. I sighed whoever came up with the BS that this was supposed to be calming was a big liar. 'Don't let your anger consume you idiot' I mentally rolled my eyes. As I did I caught a glimpse of something on the stump next to me. It looked like paper. I turned to look at it. A note? I picked it up. Yeah either someone left a folded up blank piece of paper next to me or it's a note. I opened up up and read the contents.

"Alex, Come to my house for dinner tonight at 7 Pm. Don't be late.-Callie" Oh great. I suppose she wants me to dress up in a suit and tie. No. I'll go, but I am not dressing up. I checked the time on my phone. It was around 5. I still have some time to kill

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