Alex-Chapter 4

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I pace around my room. Why would she think we gave her up. The last thing I remember was not letting her go. I was falling to pieces trying to get her back. I was trying to find the right god to make a deal with.I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. 'You need to speak with her, idiot." Okay I'll take his advice for once. But how. When. I wanna get into her house without either of them noticing, until it's me and her locked in her room. I want the talk to last. No. She'll teleport I sat down. I'll ask Zeus for help. No. That'll turn her against us further. I tapped my fingers on the arm of the chair. thinking. 'You're over thinking this whole thing' I rolled my eyes, I probably am. I went down stairs and grabbed an apple. I ate not one bite at dinner. Not that I didn't trust her or Hermes, I mean hell I have history with both of them. One's my sister, the other is my old principal. (Not to mention my old best friend's dad)I'll just prance in there and ask if she wants to talk. If she bites my head off then whoopsie. I made shure my necklace was on. I looked in the mirror. I want a tattoo but not now later, but it will happen. I looked out the window. It's dark out, She's still up, I know she is. I grabbed my hoodie as I jogged down the stairs, and out the door. The cold crisp night air touched my face the almost bitterly cold with blew through my hair and I almost felt at home. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I crossed the street. I reached up almost touching the doorknob I remembered she's not the same. I knocked on the wooden door only then glancing over and noticing the doorbell that would have been much more productive. I heard footsteps and Hermes answered the door

"Alexander." He said just like he did all in school.

"Is Callie here, Sir?" He shook his head

"She's in a meeting" His eyes looked sad, scared. The one thing you can never hide is the look in your eyes. Deep in them as if looking for the retina or the fovea. I sighed, I'll help her. I sat in the living room. I didn't feel like leaving, I would forget to come back. I roamed my fingers over her many, Many, books. The woman could build a library. I looked around, the place was dark. When she does show up. I don't know what I'm going to ask her. Almost as if on cue I felt some eyes on me.I turned around to see Callie with a goddess not huge scale but still among one of the gods. I do believe it was hestia. Great another one I thought.

"Callie I need to talk to you." I said using my best blank stare, and rather failing at it might I add.

"Okay speak" She said. She didn't sound like Callie even. She sounded like an animatronic copy of her.

I rolled my eyes "Alone, Callie." She simply looked at the two Butlers or whatever she liked to call them. They left

"Callie, what were you talking about?" Her face became confused


"At dinner" I attempted not to raise my voice. "When you said we abandoned you?" She rolled her eyes

"We already went over this" I glared

"No you went over it with Tim, you'll need to brief me on the subject again? Give me details." She rolled her eyes

"You guys abandoned me, stabbed my back and Father was the only one I had to turn to. You guys didn't care, He does." I used every ounce of myself control to not go up to her and tell her that he lied to her, but I decided that I like my head.

"Callie" I tried to be as calm as possible. "what did we do to abandon you?"

"You force me to the greeks when they didn't want me, Father did." i frowned

"Callie, that never happened-"

"STOP LYING!" She screamed cutting me off

"Okay so what's the truth 'cause honestly I don't know anymore" She frowned

"The truth is what I told you" I looked her dead in the eyes and told her

"Callie, We never abandoned you. That is the truth, believe whatever you will. I know the truth, and now at least I can say I tried to help you." After that I didn't let her talk I walked out the door I came in making sure to look deep into Hermes' eyes on my way out.I sighed as soon as I was out. the white puff floated and disappeared into the air. Iran my fingers through my hair again, did i mess up with her, what if I attacked her with too much reality. 'she'll be fine' I had to just go with my gut now. When I get inside everyone's gonna be asleep so I was avoid the loud ass stairs, so I'll sleep on the couch to avoid waking every one up. For now I need to strategize how I'm going to get Callie back. I sat on the front step. Well first I need to figure out what god her 'father' is. I need to talk Her into releasing Hermes and Hestia. Convince her that it's actually making her look weaker to have them because it seems like she needs help from minor gods. After that I got cold and stood up looking at Callie's window for a moment before turning around and placing my warm palm against the cold metal of the doorknob. I twisted it slowly making minimal noise. As soon as I got in I took my boots off, followed by my hoodie, and right before I went into the living room to sleep on the couch I checked the time in the hallway. 3 in the morning. I took my shirt of and entered the living room. Just thinking about sleep made my eyes half lidded. I got around to the couch and I saw long curly blonde hair covering the face of it's owner. The only girl I know with curly blonde hair is Lily. I smiled and pulled her covers up to her shoulders. She's always been there for me, don't take my gestures the wrong way though remember She's a Huntress. She's not allowed to date. I'm not gonna lie, I missed her. She's here about her dad no doubt, what if she doesn't know. I'll need to explain to her that her father,the man that taught her everything she know about "Mythology"I can already see the burning anger in her eyes. I grab a blanket off the chair and lay down on the soft carpet letting the dark of the room fade to be the dark of sleep.

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