How I Fell For Death

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This story that I read is based on Greek Mythology. The thing that attracts me the most is how the author paired a character that is loved by all with someone we all perceive as the most dreadful, Death. It's quite amusing at points and quite saddening as well.  I feel that if I write more I will just end up spoiling this wonderful story to you.

Please note that this story is a sequel to another. Here is what the author wrote to introduce this to their readers.

(Sequel to How to be a Queen) Aerith and Hades already have their fairytale ending. They've also been blessed with twins: Aidon and Aurea. I'm Aurea by the way and this is my story. When I was born, the Fates declared that me and my brother will live a difficult life. And I guess they were right for we were both born with no powers.

We were two new immortals who cannot be a god and a goddess for we had no powers. Is this a curse? Nah. Maybe we were just born this way or maybe we were just late bloomers? I sure hope so. Oh, one more thing. When my brother and I turned eighteen, the Three Fates came to our party and allowed us each a question. Being a naive little girl, I asked. "Who will I share eternity with?" They answered with: "You are meant for death."

Well what did they mean with that? Am I meant to die? Will I ever get my powers? Will I ever find someone who'll love me? Will I get the fairytale ending my parents have?

Enjoy loves! Cheers to the author as well :)

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