Through His Eyes

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Hello my loves! Today I bring to you another fabulous story that makes me want to cry out in pain and longing to have a love story myself. I am perfectly serious when I say this and am not losing my mind. But seriously fictional characters are so much more beautiful than the ones we encounter with everyday. Now let me specify... Male fictional characters are so much awe-worthy than the ones we encounter with at school or like life in general. If someone were to give me a machine that would make a fictional male real for me I would owe my life to them!

How my rant related to this book... Well Caleb is a dream! I'm sorry, I usually don't blurt out the characters' name in my recommendations but I could not help it. I want a love so pure like the one in this. I've said this so many times but its mainly due to the reason that I'm a fool and I want to call someone my own other than family.

Please do go read the book, it is amazing.

Ciao my loves.

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