Chapter 20: Pro #10

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Pro #10 - It's cute when guys get jealous, makes you feel like you're not alone in it

Today was Friday and I knew Jared would be having a long day, I wanted to cook him something nice so he could relax when he got home, especially after how nice he was being recently. It was a nice enough day so I took a walk to the supermarket.

"Hey!" someone called from behind me. It was the guy I'd bumped into at the supermarket before.

"Hey yourself" I said smiling, when he finally caught up with me.

"Supermarket?" he asked.

"Yeah I remember"

"No I meant are you heading there right now?" he asked and I had to laugh.

"Yeah, just to get some things, you?"

"As your luck would have it so am I, mind if I walk beside you?" He had this easy going charm about him.

"Sure" I smiled.

We walked in comfortable silence all the way to the supermarket. I was lost in my thoughts and he was busy on his phone.

"I'm Sam by the way" he said, after generously offering to push the trolley.

"Kate." I'd only come for some vegetables and chicken so I quickly got that and asked him what he was getting.

He rubbed the back of his head and smiled guiltily.

"Okay I just moved here for college and when I saw you walking past I thought I could walk you and we could be friends, I don't know anyone around here..." he trailed off.

"No problem" I brushed him off, I also didn't know anyone around here so I understood where he was coming from.

"You're not with your brother today?" He asked as we walked to the till.



Did he mean Jared?

"The scary looking dude I saw you with last week"

"Oh, no...he's at work" I probably should have also said that he wasn't my brother. I mean I wasn't wearing my wedding rings because they were too small so I don't blame him for thinking Jared was my brother.

"Not to sound completely stalker-ish but I live a few floors down from you. I'm just telling you so you don't think I'm some creep following you home" He said putting up his hands in an innocent motion and we laughed.

We walked back to the apartment and I had to admit, it felt nice talking to a complete stranger. We passed the little flower shop at the corner and some older guy called out for Sam.

"Sorry, that's my boss, I was hoping he wouldn't see me" Sam said.

"It's okay, I'll see you around I guess"

"Yeah, mind if I get your number so we can hang out sometime?" he asked. Although he didn't say it in a suggestive way, I felt that I should tell him I'm married, and pregnant, if he couldn't already tell that.

All of a sudden someone put their hand on my shoulder from behind and said,

"That won't be happening buddy"

Jared. My heart skipped a bit.

Sam gave me a short quick smile before going into the flower shop.

We walked back to the apartment in silence and the whole time I was wondering what to say to Jared. Was he mad that I was talking to Sam? Why would he be mad anyway...Should I apologize? Our relationship was so complicated that I didn't know what to say or how to feel.

"You sure have a knack for befriending random guys you meet in weird places" He said when we finally got into the apartment.

What was I supposed to say? Was he taking a jab at me for talking to Sam? Was he hinting that he didn't want me being friends with other guys?

"We just bumped into each other, he lives a few floors down from here" I finally said.

"You've already been to his apartment? You sure don't waste time"

That hurt.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I just thought I could come home early and surprise my wife, but instead she's flirting up some other guy who stays a few floors down from here" Jared said, clearly mocking my earlier statement.

"I wasn't flirting with Sam, we just happened to be going the same direction"

Why was I even defending myself. This was really tiring.

"Whatever Kate, do whatever you want"

"Oh you mean like what you're doing?" I also raised my voice.


"You're being really unfair considering I said you can continue seeing Veronica. We don't even have sex anymore, you don't even cuddle me. Maybe it would be better if I was also allowed to see other people"

Yes I was arguing about cuddling, yes I was being petty. I didn't even mean the whole seeing other people thing but I was just really frustrated.

"Is that what you really want" Jared asked, getting quiet.


"I don't really care anymore" I started to walk off to the bedroom but Jared pulled me back. He sighed and held me in his arms so I couldn't leave.

"I don't want to see other people, and I didn't think you did either" he said.

"I don't" I said, ashamed of myself from two minutes ago.

"So why did you say it"

"Why don't you wanna be intimate with me, is it because I'm getting fat?" I could feel the tears forming at my eyes.

I really couldn't believe I was crying over Jared not having sex with me.

"You're not fat, you're pregnant. The doctor said its not safe because of your low blood pressure. I do want to cuddle, but it will be hard for the both of us to resist sex if we cuddled..."


Remind me never to jump to conclusions again. I was feeling a bit embarrassed and wanted to hide in Jared's arms until the embarrassment passed.

"You could've said"

"I didn't know it was affecting you" Jared said. I could feel him getting smug. Damn you and your irresistible self Jared!

"It wasn't! I'm hungry, let me cook" I said, trying to get out of Jared's embrace. He loosened it a bit but only so we were looking at each other.

"Don't talk to Sam anymore. Don't talk to other guys too" Jared said, looking serious.

I so badly wanted to ask him why but I didn't think I was ready to hear the answer.

"Okay I won't" I said instead.

"Now it's your turn" Jared said.


"Say, Jared I don't want you to see Veronica or any other woman because you're mine"

My heart started racing and the words came out of my mouth before I could stop them,

"I love you."

We both just stared at each other and I wished with all my heart that the earth would open up and swallow me.

I didn't love Jared did I?

It must have been the hormones.

Yeah. Hormones.


Heyyyyy :)

thanks for reading, let me know what you think in the comments! all comments are welcome. vote and follow too :)



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