Chapter 10: Pro #5

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Pro #5 - Sometimes it's a good thing not be a grown up because your parents handle everything for you

I walked slowly downstairs and took the only seat remaining between Lola and my mom. As soon as I sat down Lola reached for my hand. I could tell she felt bad for telling, but I wasn't mad at her. In a weird sort of way, I was a bit relieved that I didn't have the stress of having to tell my parents anymore.

"Katie dear, as you can see it was very nice of the Morales to join us for breakfast today"

Oh cut the crap mom.

Why did my parents have to be so proper and official about everything. I almost laughed, almost.

"Uh...Thanks for coming" I didn't know what else to say.

"Conner is gonna be so mad at us for not inviting him to this gathering" Lola said, loud enough for only me to hear. True though, knowing Conner, he was probably going to demand we recite everything word for word. We might as well record the whole thing for him...Or would that be weird.

"So is it true then?" Lola's mom asked, I couldn't tell what she was feeling or thinking.

How was I supposed to answer that?

"Mom I already told you! I was in the bathroom with her when..." Lola started but was quickly interrupted by her dad,

"Your mother wasn't speaking to you Lo"

And with that she quieted down.

"Yes Mrs Morales, it is but honestly it was a mistake and..."

And again another  interruption from Mr Morales "No grandchild of mine is a mistake" He said sternly.

I gulped. Grandchild? I hadn't even thought beyond telling my parents now to even think about an actual person growing inside me was hurting my head.

"Abortion is completely out of the question so my wife and I will raise this child as our own" My dad said. Of course abortion was not an option, my parents' faith would never allow that. But raise the child as their own? What did that even mean, was I going to act as some sort of surrogate for them?

"And what about me?" Jared finally spoke.

My heart started racing, my ears started getting hot. I felt the tears about to come out of my eyes. but I held it together. I had to. Of all the years Lo's parents had known me, I didn't want them to think I was some train-wreck psycho.

"What about you Jared, is it?" My dad said. He seemed a bit more upset than earlier. I had never seen him this way. Suddenly the feeling of guilt and shame washed over me. I had disappointed my parents. They would never look at me the same again.

"That's my baby she's carrying, you can't just expect me to stay out of his/her life. I plan to be involved every step of the way" Jared said.

Well that was unexpected.

"So what do you suggest? She's still a minor and under our care" My mom said, taking over from my dad. I guess she could tell  how upset he was getting.

"She can move in with me, I'll take care of her and..." Jared started but was interrupted by Lo who seemed to be taking this harder than I was.

"That's kind of illegal Jare" She said quietly.

"Not if they get married" Lo's mom said and every went silent.

Married?! I was only 17  for goodness sakes and I barely knew this guy! What about his girlfriend Veronica or whatever her name was.

"We'll have to think about it and see if it's the best decision for everyone" My mom said and my dad quickly interjected,

"Of course it's the best solution for everyone. A child out of wedlock is completely out of the question. And no grandchild of mine is going to be raised without a father"

What was with dads and their grandchildren.

"I'm ok with it but we'll have to work out some sort of arrangement. Obviously Kate and I aren't in love and we barely know each other but living together is what's best for the baby" Jared said.

It stung a little bit for some reason.

And it angered me as well.

"But I don't want to marry him! I want to fall in love with a nice guy and get married one day and have a family and live in a nice house and..." I started sobbing.

Great. Lo excused us and we went upstairs so I could calm down and not embarrass myself any further. After a couple of minutes we went back downstairs to hear what the final decision was.

"Katie honey, sometimes the choices you make in life can alter the path you would like to walk on. You have to take responsibility for your actions sweetheart. As much as we would have liked for you to live with us here until a nice young gentleman asked for your hand in marriage, it's not the way it's going to happen" My mom said.

I nodded. I understood I guess, but what did this mean for me?

"So in a couple of weeks you and Jared will get married in a small ceremony because it is short notice and you can raise your child together. In the mean time, you'll get a private tutor so you can keep up with school and graduate on time. You won't be attending classes in school because of your situation. Mr and Mrs Morales have offered to arrange all of this for you" My mom said.

I just kept nodding. Honestly what more could I say? My life was about to change forever.


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