Chapter 4: Pro #2

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Pro #2 - That state of self content that has the illusion of lasting forever

How do you tell your best friends that you lost your virginity the previous night? Or rather, how do I tell my friends that? Because to begin with I don't think they would believe me. Out of all three of us, if we were to take a vote, I would be voted the one most likely to end up the 40year old virgin. They didn't call me conventional Katie for nothing you know. I was the one who was always on the straight and narrow path, went to church every Sunday, never late for class, always the designated driver, didn't date much (or at all), and didn't go out much. I mean when Conner told us he lost his virginity 2 years ago, it wasn't that hard to believe because well...he's Conner.

When Lola and I came from our gym lockers, we called Conner so that we could ditch and go chill outside. See, I was even ditching class now. I was becoming a monster.

I noticed that Conner was looking at me weirdly when we got outside and sat on the nice cold grass under the shade. It made me nervous, but he was smiling so I guess it couldn't be bad right?

"So what did you want to tell us?" Lola got straight to the point.

I started blushing,

"Well for starters, Allen and I broke up...for good this time" I said, but I was smiling.

"For someone who doesn't have a boyfriend anymore, you can't seem to stop smiling, I thought you liked Allen?!" Lola said.

"I did..."

Well I thought I did...To be fair I was just really happy that I had a boyfriend.

"And???" Lola asked, but before I could answer,

"You met a guy didn't you!!!" she seemed shocked.

See? Exactly my point.

I wasn't the type to go out and meet boys.

"Well yes..." I started.

Maybe confessing now wasn't such a good idea...

"And???" Lola said, but then Conner seemed to get bored because he rolled his eyes then said,

"She slept with him" he said it so simply.

"What do you mean she slept with him?" Lola asked.

Conner was so enjoying himself, he seemed to have this gleam in his eyes, almost as if he was...proud? Of me...not that there was anything to be proud of. Don't have pre-marital sex kids. You'll go to hell, and hell isn't pretty.

"Come on Lola, it's not rocket science, she had sex with the guy" Conner said.

Lola audibly gasped, then punched Conner on the arm...playfully of course.

"Conner! She wouldn't!" Lola said, when she realized that I wasn't defending myself.

Conner gave me a questioning glance and then they both looked at me.

"No..." Lola said, smiling now.

I finally found my voice.

"Yes actually..." then I started giggling.

"Well how was it?" Lola asked hesitantly.

"It was divine."

And that's the truth.

Even now all I could think about was Jared's grey eyes and sexy smile.

"Wow..." Lola was clearly speechless, but she didn't have a chance to say anything because the bell rang and she had to get to class. Conner and I both had free period.

I couldn't wait to ask him,

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" he was trying to be smart.

"You know!"

"No I don't know what you mean"

He was smiling. Clearly he thought that this was funny.

"Come on Conner! How did you know?!" I was getting more and more anxious.

"I want you to say the full sentence Katie" urgh stupid blush!

"I can't..." now I was also smiling. Damn you Conner!

"Come on Katie! So you can perform the act but you can't say the words?"

He had a point.


"How did you know I engaged in sexual activity?"

Oh my gosh I can't believe I just said that! I was feeling so embarrassed. Where was the Katie from a couple of days ago, what had I done to her.

I covered my face with my school bag because nothing could possibly be more embarrassing.

Conner was laughing.

"I saw you" he said simply.

And I stand corrected.

Nothing could be more embarrassing than this, but he was joking, right?

I looked at his face. No. he was dead serious.

"When? Where?!"

"Oh so you mean it happened more than once? yesterday at the meadows, don't worry, no one else saw you guys" He was laughing so hard tears were coming from his eyes.

"What exactly did you see?"

I can't believe we're having this conversation!

"I saw you getting out of a really nice car by the way, semi dressing yourself then I saw some dude get out and watch you leave...which was kind of creepy. Anyway I sort of figured since you're all glowey this morning and it can't possibly be because you're pregnant"

No I'm not pregnant. Jared said so himself.

People don't just get pregnant like they?

No. of course not. I was just being silly and paranoid.

"So are you going to see him again?" Conner asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"I don't know..." there were a lot of things to consider, one of them being Veronica - his 'girlfriend of some sorts'.

"Aha who would have thought that conventional Katie was the type for a whirlwind romance! Anyway are you going to Lola's house party? Well it's not really HER party but we're invited..."

"Yeah sure! I've always wanted to meet her brother!"

"Me too Katie, me too" Conner said, smiling.

"So pick me up at my house?" I asked.

"Yeah sure at around 7pm, wear something nice?" Conner asked.

"Blehh I'll see"

I wasn't really the type to dress up, but I guess I could give it a try this time around.

Walking back to class all I could think about was Jared and his sexiness. I realized that I'd just met the guy two days ago and I didn't even know his last name. Scratch that, I hadn't even had a proper conversation with him and yet every time we saw each other, it was as if there was no need for words.

Haha. Careful Katie.


Hey ya'll ;)

weird author person here, how about you make my day and vote, comment and follow :O



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