Week One (5/7/2016)

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i have a major question !!

i am finally going to appear for colleges, and i am still shaken up on what field to choose. i need to decide within 20 days and my results gonna be up within that threshold. I'd like to know what profession everyones into, so that i'll get a rough idea?

Dear @darkermee   ,

As a current college student I have faced this fear and confusion many times. My first year of college I had no idea what to do. It was until two months ago I have decided that I want to become a psychiatrist. Honestly, do not sweat it. You do not have to decide what you want to major or minor in just yet. During your first and second year of college you will mostly take your pre-reqs, which are your basic classes such as English, math, etc. Although, if you are like me and lay in bed all night wondering what you're going to do then you can take these steps I have found helpful...

· Talk to a counselor or advisor! They really are a great help and can help you determine what steps you should take next.

· Determine what you like and what your strengths are. For example, if you are good at math and science maybe the medical field is something to look at?

· What hobbies do you enjoy? If you like to talk and listen to others then maybe a therapist of counselor is something for you?

· Look at what majors your college provides and go from there. Just by going online and seeing what sorts of majors your school offers can give you an idea of what to pursue. Once you find a few that are interesting then go ahead and Google what occupations that major could potentially give.

All in all you do not need to decide right away you still have time, I have changed my major so many times and that is 100% okay.

XOXO Becke~

-Any other advice for @darkermee? Comment below-



how do you stop caring about what other people think of you?

Dear UnknownTer,

Insecurity is something I have been dealing with since elementary. It is extremely difficult to deal with. I feel that my insecurity has made me in the past care what others thought of myself. I really struggled with this. Honestly, if you want to stop caring about what others think of you then simply stop caring so much. I know..I know it is SUPER hard but it is one of the only ways. Whether you are being called names or if you are scared of what people will think of your new outfit if you say to yourself that you do not care then it won't matter. What is an insult if it has no meaning? You hold the key to your insecurities and it was until I was in college to realize this lesson. After all, every person is insecure about something so keep calm and do you!

XOXO Becke~

-Any other advice for @UnkownTearDrops ? Comment below-



so ive liked a guy (we will call him tom) on and off for 3 years now, but like ALL year, prob is, hes my best friend. and he has a gf... a few weeks ago I sent him a LONG message about how I feel, and he said he likes me too, and that he has for a long time, and that he thought that his gf (we will call her sarah) would work out differently than it has so far, and that they just arent as compatible as he originally thought. And that their relationship will be slowly coming to a hault. Im so unsure how he really feels tho, I feel as though he only said it cause he pitys me, and it hurts, and everythings been really awkward, my friends think he likes me, but Idk...I dont know what to do, and im so unsure of everything... our spring dance is this friday may 6th.. and im nervous cause they are both gonna be there... I honestly love him, I know it is really early in my life for me to "love" someone, but he is special, he gives me butterflies in such an amazing way, yet he makes me feel safe and happy, he knws about me being abused, and all the trauma ive endured, he knows about all of the mental issues im suffering because of it, yet he still cares for me the same, he still makes me feel like Im worth something, and it makes me so happy :) but I just dont know if he feels the same..

Dear HopelesslyInLove,

To be honest I have been in the same situation with my current boyfriend. I was dating another guy but found him (let's call him T) so much more enjoyable to be around. I messaged T and he did feel the same. A couple days later I broke up with my boyfriend (who I was only dating a week) and started talking to T more frequently. We began dating a week later. I fully believe that Tom needs to tell his current girlfriend about what is happening, if he does not want to be with her then he just needs to end things before it gets out of hand. Also, from what you say I believe he may have feelings for you as well. So don't doubt yourself! If you still feel like you have doubts talk to him! Let him tell you how he feels. If you decide to take your relationship to the next level then that is awesome and I fully approve. Just keep in mind that he does have a girlfriend, so respect that he is currently in a relationship. Let him break up with her before you try and take it any further, and make sure that she is told in a calm way. Lying to her will only make things worse as well, because if Tom tells her he wants to break up for a reason but actually just wants to date you then you will most definitely have a ton of drama. So in a nutshell, follow your heart but do it in the right way.

XOXO Becke~

-Any other advice for HopelesslyInLove ? Comment below-


Comment your opinion/advice down below for either of the questions I addressed this week. Remember to be kind and mature about your responses. I would love to hear what you have to say and so would the three individuals from this weeks issue! 

DM me questions for next week!!!!

Thank you! :)

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