Coltons POV part 46

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It's been hours since Raelyn and the boys have been missing and everyone is frantic and worried for not only the boys but Raelyn as well. All the boys have come to love Raelyn as a friend or even a sister. The ladies love her as if she was their own. We all know Hailey played a part in their abduction but we're all gutted that we were to stupid to catch on sooner. I mean why else would that snake of a women come back. Sitting at the kitchen table I sigh when I hear Phoenix in the corridor shouting down the phone "I don't give a fuck! My son and women along with her kid brother are fucking missing!" He shouts and I wince feeling sorry for whoever is on the other end of that phone. "Fine! I'll do it my fucking self!" He roars, before hanging up. Walking fully into the kitchen he growls lowly and throws his phone on the table before running a hand tiredly down his face. "What's got you wound up?" I say referring to the phone call. He looks at me silently for a second before talking, "that was Dex, he says that he has as many people as he can get on the down low on lookout for them but says it's too risky to get anymore people to look for them, if we want it kept on the down low the less people involved the better." He says and I nod understanding his aggravation. Seeing the defeated look on his face I give him a look of sympathy but he huffs and waves it off. "Hey Phoenix? Do you know whether those notes are still in Raelyns room?" I ask and his head snaps up, "yeah I think I'll go check." He says before rushing out the kitchen like the hell hounds were chasing him. "What notes?" Bear asks tilting his head to the side in question. "Remember this creepy notes Hailey mentioned?" I ask waiting for him to nod in confirmation before continuing "well we found them in Raelyns room, Phoenix wanted to take them and confront her but I told him to put them back, that she'd confide in us when she was ready. It might be a long shot but they might have a hint as to where she is." I explain and he nods in agreement before leaning back in the chair. Phoenix comes bursting back through the door waving the notes in his hand, "got 'em!" He shouts as he barges past people and heads towards the table. We all crowd round as he unfolds the notes and places them side by side on the table. Sighing heavily I pray that there is a clue of some sort in these damn notes. Analysing the notes once more I huff aggravated when I come up empty handed. I mean the notes are pretty straight forward, ones a fucking letter from daddy dearest and one makes no fucking sense 10minutes of silence and Phoenix shakes his head "I got nothing. I mean what the fuck does 4 days mean?" He snaps obviously frustrated. The guys start muttering amongst themselves and soon the muttering turns into shouting and it becomes hard to think. Just as I'm about to snap Bear steps in "everyone shut the fuck up!" He roars and everyone goes silent. It's very rare that Bear looses his temper but when he does you know to damn well listen and do as he says. But even when he's not angry you do as he tells you, he can be intimidating as fuck when he wants. I mean the guys huge. Hell he rivals Phoenix in size but Phoenix is more hot tempered then him. Hence his club name. Bear. I watch closely as his eyes scan the paper rapidly. Phoenix begins to get impatient "well? Unless you have x-Ray vision Bear there's nothing that can help us on these pieces of paper!" He snaps and Bear growls at him "shut up and sit your ass down Phoenix, there might be more to this note" he says pointing a finger at the smaller note before continuing "then any of us are aware of. I have an idea and if I'm right this man is a very smart man. Colton, park your ass. Right now." He orders and like a house trained puppy I obey. I do not feel like getting my ass kicked. Especially not by him. He waits until I'm seated before continuing not taking his eyes off the paper he speaks, "now, I don't know whether this might help but there's a game that me and my sister used to play when we were younger-" what the fuck bear! My son and women is missing and you want to take a fucking trip down memory lane?!" Phoenix cuts Bear off and Bear slams his fist on the table making it rattle. "Phoenix I swear to fucking God if you don't sit the fuck down and let me finish what I'm about to say so help me god, I will string your ass up myself. Now sit your ass in that fucking chair and listen instead of acting like some hyped up little boy!" Bear snaps and everything turns silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. Like I said Bear rarely looses his temper so when he does it's a bit of a surprise. They stare each other out as Phoenix carefully lowers himself back into his chair. Bear huffs sounding fed up, "now as I was saying. We used to play a game. One of us would write a sentence for the other one to read, only each letter was replaced with a number. The numbers would be hidden around the house or garden written on a piece of paper. After finishing all the notes we'd have to sit down and figure out what number belonged to which letter. A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on. Then we'd have to rearrange them and then we'd complete the sentence." He says his voice trailing off as he pulls a pen from his pocket and begins scribbling on the paper, his brow furrowed as if he's working something out in this mind. When he's finished he puts then pen down and looks at me expectantly. Giving him a confused look he rolls his eyes. He points to the paper, "those numbers mean anything to you?" He says gesturing for me to look. Turning my attention to the paper I scan the numbers. 4,4,1,25,19. Shaking my head I take a step back but then an image flashes through my mind, i remember that Raelyns birth certificate has numbers on it. Snatching up the pen I begin scribbling sequences down, once I'm finished I look at the numbers a second time. Son of a bitch. Looking up at Phoenix and Bear with a determined expression "I know where he's taken her" I say gravely....

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