Chapter 4

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Louis' outfit. >_<


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I woke up to my alarm playing the song 'Everybody Talks' by Neon Trees. I groaned and put the alarm on snooze but then I remembered I had a job as Harry Styles' assistant. That made me get out of bed straight away and run into the bathroom to get ready. I put on my white shirt with a skull and roses, white jean shorts, light brown knee highs with white lace at the end, rosy coloured high heels and a white bow on my hair. My hair wasn't really styled, as I didn't feel like doing it up today.

Once I was done getting ready I decided to have a quick bite to eat or else I was going to be late. I entered the kitchen to see Matt drinking a cup of coffee while reading the daily paper. I kept my eyes glued on the fridge trying not to make eye contact with him. Matt spoke up and said, "Morning" which made me flinch not expecting him to talk to me. Suddenly it dawned to me I forgot to tell him about my new job. Oh god he won't be very happy about the news. Matt never wants me out of the house, which means he locks me in every night so I won't try to escape or got out with friends or something. He thinks that if I'm out too much I might tell someone about him and what he doing to me. I would never do that. Why would I? They would just laugh at me and wouldn't believe me. I don't know what his worry is to be honest.

Anyways, back to breakfast. I had gotten yoghurt out the fridge and a spoon then taking a seat opposite him. "Hey um Matt, I need to um t-tell you um s-something." I mentally slapped myself, as my stuttering didn't make things any better. Matt looked up, squinting his eyes. "Sure, what it is Lou?" he asked. I took a shaky breath before letting it all out, "I-I um have this um this thing, the thing I went t-to yesterday. T-that was a job interview and um I-I um got the job kinda?" I said that like it was a question. God damn it I'm such a fuck up. But oh gosh was I right about him not liking the idea of a job. "What? Why do you need a job? Why would you even want a job?" he screeched. I covered my ears with my hands and closed my eyes. No. No. No. "Matt?" I whispered. He turned to me and sneered, "What?" "I want to go out and see what the world has to offer and not just stay in and hear you complain 24/7. I want to discover new things and fall in love."

"Fine, you can go out and get a job, 'fall in love' and discover new things. Just remember Louis, no one, no one will love a person like you. You're such a crybaby, you whine about everything and you are so ugly I don't even think anyone will spare more than one glance your way. Sorry Louis but the truth hurts." Matt finished with a growl and stormed out the house. I just stared at the door and the wallpaper peeling off the wall surrounding it. I had to keep it together. It was my first day at my first ever serious job in my life. All my other jobs were just unimportant ones to earn some money. I haven't had a job since Matt moved in with me. I couldn't be late. That's all that mattered. I wiped off the tears forming in my eyes and took a deep breath. 'Just keep it inside Louis' I thought to myself. I grabbed my keys and phone and went off to work.


Hey guys. Sorry this took so long to write. I'm so slow at updating. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter!

QOTD: What was your reaction to Harry cutting his hair?
AOTD: I literally screamed and showed my family members.

I hope you have/had a tremendous day.

Mona xx

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