the day he came back

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I was walking to the grill to meet with my friends, when the image of what happened so long ago popped into my head; Even though it happened so long ago I can remember it like it was yesterday. Klaus Mikaelson the only face I can picture from that time without crying but now I only feel rage and frustration. I try to keep my head down; As a tall, dark figure walk towards me and stops in my path.

" Excuse m-m-me" I speak hesitantly, trying to walk past him. Causing him to take a step to the side cautioning to block my path. " Elena " he said in a weak, raspy, quivering voice. A VOICE I KNEW ALL TO WELL. I hurried and  pushed him into the closes alleyway. Forcing his hood off in the process. I stood back in surprise clutching my chest, but no matter how hard I inhale or exhaled no oxygen was being imprisoned or escaping my empty lungs.

While I stood there trying to catch my breath with eyes of shock. There he was, the devil himself standing right in front me. "Elena breath, just breath in and out ok? There you go" He said all to calmly. Before he can say anything else I started sprinting to the grill. I barged through the door going up right to my friends, " WHERE'S BONNIE"! I said kinda loud at Caroline. "Elena what's wrong? She's at home." She ask with a look of concern as Matt comes up and try's to hug me.

I pushed him away then ran to Bonnie house still not believing what I saw I knocked on the door and Bonnie opened it "Bonnie i'm sorry I just showed up I hope its ok" I said apologetically. "Yea it's ok Elena you know you can come over any time" she said as she opened the door wider and moved to the side. I walked inside and went to sit on the couch and Bonnie sat next to me and said "are you ok u seem kinda out of it" i said "yea just thought I saw Klaus but i must be dreaming i'm ok can I spend the night here tonight?" "yea you know you can" so i went up to the bed room and feel asleep.

The next morning we woke up and got dressed and went down stairs to eat cereal, after that we went to the car and Bonnie drove us to school when we got there I saw the rest of our friends in the front waiting for us so I got out and walked to them and said "hey y'all it's been awhile I missed you guys"  they all said "hey" back so we walked inside and i walked to my locker Caroline asked me "are you ok yesterday you was acting all crazy screaming and stuff" I said "yea i'm fine sorry if i scared you" she nodded and with that we walked to class.

(skiped to lunch cause I don't want to write about boring classes)

We walked to our table we always seat at I sat next to Bonnie and started to eat my lunch I had bugers and fries everybody was talking about a party Tyler was throwing Saturday, Tyler always throwing a party every week and everybody goes i'm thinking about going but I don't know it's always the same at his party drinks,fights,and repeat. After school I rode back with Bonnie to her house and we sat on the couch and watched TV while we was watching super natural someone was knocking on the door i told Bonnie "i'll get it" I had got up and went to the door i said "who is it" they didn't answer so i opened the door I wished i didn't I couldn't believe he was here.

"KLAUS WHY ARE YOU HERE" I scream I couldn't believe here was here in front of me I thought I was dreaming I heard Bonnie running to the door she stood there in shock cause  she couldn't believe Klaus was standing in the doorway either "Klaus what are you doing here I thought you left" Bonnie said Klaus stared and said " I came to see you Elena I missed you and i wanted to let you know i'm back I came back for you" I stared at him not sure what to say or do I was upset and angry "why would you come back for me you left without saying goodbye, you just up and left poof gone I was crying.

Klaus stepped forward and said "i'm so sorry Elena I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or to hurt you but I was in a rush I left to save my family but I thought about u the whole time I was gone I wanted to come back for you I did but there was some problems where I was so I had to deal with it but I'm back now and I want to make it right and make it up to you I want to take u out tonight if u would let me so Elena will u go on a date with me tonight".I didn't know what to say I thought about it part of me wanted to say no cause I was hurt and angry but another part of me wanted to say yes cause I wanted to know why he left.

while I stood there thinking Klaus was just standing there  looking at me waiting to see what i'll say I  finally decided what I'll do and looked at him and said  " yes I will I said but you have to promise to tell me everything why you left and what for promise"  "yes I promise I'll tell you everything" he said I smiled and said "see u tonight at 8 then" "yea see you tonight Elena bye" Klaus said and walked away I closed the door and turned around and looked at Bonnie and she stated at me and asked "so what are you wearing tonight" that was not what I expected for her to say I thought she'll ask about Klaus and talk about how he's really back and stuff but I guess not I said "I don't know but can you help me"she shook her head yes and I went to get ready.

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