Skipper X Ginger Grant part 1

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Requested by YandereGirl2016 #theshipisrealgoddamnit

When the castaways shipwrecked on their tiny, inescapable island. None of them expected the fall in and out of love with eachother. Especially Ginger Grant. She was a beautiful bombshell movie star, who in an attempt to escape dozens of crazed men, hide on the small boat. With all of her relationship experiances, breakups, divorces and such, she never realized her heart would belong to a lowly sea captain.

On the Island...
Ginger's POV

Angrily, I stomped away from the huts that I shared with MaryAnn. Ugh. I should've know better than that! I should've know that THEY would fall in love. I'm too much for that smart-ass. Well, fine then, I'll get him back. Today is the day that Roy Hinkley will regret not  loving me!
My thoughts of revenge were interrupted, when I ran into The Skipper.
"Well hello Ginger," The Skipper chuckled, "How are you feeling today? I haven't seen you this upset since Gilligan burned your satin dress!"
This is way to perfect. Skipper is the perfect bait to get back at Professor....
I burst into tears; fake, of course; "Oh Skipper, it's the Professor! H-He- He CHEATED on me," I sobbed, " And you know, it wouldn't be the first time! All those times in Hollywood... I-i I'm just not as beautiful as I was." I hid my face behind my hands holding back a smile.
Skipper gave me a hug, much to my dislike, and held me close.
"Oh Ginger, dont cry. Youre just as beautiful as you always were. Shhhhshhh.... Tell you what Ginger," I looked up at him, my eyes brimming with tears, "I'll find the Professor and teach him a lesson!" My plan was finally working!!!!!
"Oh, no no no, don't do that! I wouldn't want you to do anything rash... but, there is something you could do.
"Anything for you, Ginger." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist taking me back to his hut. My plan was working. And there was no going back now.

Here I go.
I would like to apologize to all of you wonderful readers, for not updating as much as I should have. I haven't been very good to you. I am putting this Oneshot into multiple chapters. I am also still willing to take requests.
I love all of you and thank you for sticking with me! <3 <3

~ Sherlockian Holmes

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