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"Girls you should be giving frequent  updates about your report.You have to come to Australia once in three months for your school formalities and you will be staying here for one week.I have given the dates to La"said Mr William.

I could see AK getting bored.She was more worried about her hair style then these information.

"I will give the dates once again"continued Mr  William

"They are :July 18 th and November 24 th  .You will have to return to Australia on May 24th. Akshaya I thank your relative aunt Amy for accompanying you."

"No problem she is very happy to do this"Ak replied with a smile.

"We have got many sponsors to pay for your trip.Your school fees has been paid and you will be credited 1 lakh Indian rupees every month.It includes all your expenses" 

I can see Shriya getting bored too.But I think I am getting more irritated and bored then the other two.We are all very excited about INDIA but Mr William is making us too much bored.

"Have a safe and a nice trip girls.We are going to miss you."Mr William said.

I really don't  know what he was saying after expenses but I am not bothered about it.

"And I am personally very happy about you girls choosing India."said Mr William with a smile.

"Its all La's idea sir.All credits for her and only her."said Ak with a cruel smile.

I knew she was not giving credits to me.Actually speaking I wanted to go to India some how and I got this chance ,in which I could go to India and someone will spend money for me  plus I could take my friends.Everyone knew this except poor Mr William and the poor money spenders.And  Ak thinks she pulled me into trouble .But she  is not going to win because I have the right answer to give.

"I wanted to give report about a place with lots of traditions and cultures so that I can explore a lot.And I thought INDIA was the right place.This place has variety of people and they have different religions,customs,languages etc.I wanted my report to be complete so I chose a complete country INDIA."I said with a triumphant smile.

I could see Ak's expectations broken and Shriya's face brighten.Shriya laughed at Ak and told something to her.I couldn't hear what she said but I exactly knew what she would have said.It should be "Think of a better reason Akshaya,La wins!"

"I am very proud of you girls "said Mr William with pride in his voice.

I knew all our mind voices"  POOR MR WILLIAM."

After the boring part with our principal we had a serious part waiting  for us.It was final good bye to my high school friends.When we were walking down the hallway I could see Angela ,Raksha and Nick waiting for us .Raksha was the first to hug me.Then Angela and Nick. Raksha was the first friend I had in my life.I could not take her with me because she is selected as the head of the editorial board as I was leaving.Angela and Nick are also my close friends.Nick is Ak's close friend and Angela is Shriya's .

"We are all going to miss you guys"said Angela.

"We too"said Ak.I could see Ak was sad when she said this.Neither did Raksha nor I spoke.I could see Raksha was angry with me more than sad.I had no doubt about it.We have been together for the past ten years and suddenly I am leaving her.Finally Raksha spoke,"We have asked for permission to go to INDIA too.I am sure we will get it the next time you guys are here.And if we did not get any sponsors we have no problem spending our dad's money.So next time better be prepared to take us too."

I started crying and Raksha too.No one saw us like a cry baby because everyone knew how close we were.They were indeed happy for us ,for our friendship.I don't no whether people will feel jealous for my beauty or my talent,but they will for my friendship.

I feel like I' m the most luckiest person in the world.I have the best friends one can ever have.And I think I will get more best buddies in MY VISIT TO INDIA.

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