Chapter Three

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It's okay. Karkat had more than two weeks before he was forced to see him. Well, technically about a week and five days. He exhaled through his nose, and leaned back in the grass, staring upwards. Sunlight was shining through the leaves of the tree he was under. He closed his eyes again, thinking about the future a couple weeks from now. It's not like he wanted to imagine himself sitting alone at a lunch table a few days after school started, but he did anyway. That is probably exactly what was going to happen to him. He might be that weird loner.

Karkat's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice.

"Tho I thee you've found my go-to thpot to get away from thome of the idiotth of thith town." 

Karkat opened his eyes, and saw a tall, lanky guy standing beside him, staring down at him. As he squinted, he noticed the guy had two different colored eyes. And, a lisp. But he actually seemed okay, and not annoying. So far. He sat up. "Yeah, but one interrupted my relaxing reading session earlier, so this spot isn't that hard to find for idiots." 

He heard him snort. "Fantathtic point. I'll have to relocate." Karkat watched as he sat down in front of him. 

"I'm Tholluxth Captor." He held out his hand, and Karkat shook it firmly. 

"Karkat Vantas." He replied. "I'm going to be going to whatever school this town has." He suddenly felt a little embarrassed for not bothering to learn the name of the school. "So far I've met two people my age. One is less idiotic than the other who slipped me his number at that coffee shop."

Sollux stared at him for a few seconds. "Are you theriouthly calling me an idiot?" He paused for another few seconds, then spoke again. "Are you talking about Dave Thtrider? That ith the guy who gave you hith number?"

"Yeah, him. Why the hell is he so weird? Like, what the hell is up with him acting all high and mighty and so full of himself?"

Sollux gave a small shrug. "Like I fucking know. Do I look like a thychiatritht (psychiatrist) to you?"

Karkat rolled his eyes. "Yeah, the red T-shirt with a blue flannel screams that you're a professional in psychiatry."

"Whatever. The point ith, he doethn't thtop bugging thomeone jutht becauth they athed (asked) them to."

Karkat raised an eyebrow, and sat up straight more. "You know him personally?"

Sollux snorted again. "Of courth. Everyone in thith town knowth everyone perthonally. Thith plathe ith thmall ath fuck."

Karkat thought that over. So there had to be someone close enough to him to know how he functioned? "Hey, do you have a phone? I would like to have more than two contacts in my phone."

"You thound like a lother (loser)." As Sollux talked, he pulled out is phone from his pocked. "What ith your number?"

Karkat recited his phone number, and pulled out his phone, waiting for it to vibrate and let him know that he had a new message. When it did vibrate, he unlocked the screen and went to his messages.

hello kk

Karkat replied a quick greeting before he put his phone away, so that Sollux definitely knew he had messaged the right number, even though his phone vibrated right in front of him and it was clearly him. Whatever.

"Wait.. ith that a romanthe novel?" Karkat glared at him when he saw the corners of his mouth twitch upwards like he was trying to smile. When he did, Karkat moved his book so it was behind him. "Yes,  yes it is. Now that you know it is, I would just LOVE it if you didn't be a judgemental asshole."

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