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Louis looks so pretty in the colorful lights, he looks like an angel.

"Hey Louis dance with me!" I say randomly and both Niall and Liam looks at me like I just made a horrible mistake, but in all honesty I do not know what's so wrong with asking someone to dance.

"Harry are you sure that is a good id..." Liam starts saying but interrupted by Louis who smiles and stands up from his chair and walks around the table and grabs my hand. It's kind of weird how good my hand fit in his.

It feels like I am on my own school prom with my dream prince which is a new feeling for me, I am not used to feeling like this.

I follow him up on the dance floor and I try to dance along to the music even if I want to be pressed up to Louis instead of jumping around like a maniac.

The song ends and everyone does this weird thing where they scream like it would be on a concert, I don't know why.

The next song that starts playing is a song that I know really well.

"Hey this is your song!" Louis say and I smile a little, I am kind of touched that he actually knows that it's a song by me... even if it basically plays everywhere.

"Yeah it is" I say back and he just smile one of those beautiful smiles that he have.

I don't know how I am supposed to react when the whole club starts dancing around like crazy and singing along to my song. It's normal to get this reaction on a concert, but here? It just seem so unreal.

I just stop everything I am doing and look around me, I have never seen anything like this.

"Oh my god this is so cool" I say and Louis laugh out loud and I look at him and he tells me that this is what people always do when my songs comes on in the club.

"I didn't know" I say and he just laughs and throw his arm around me, I like the heat that is coming from his arm it makes me feel like I am special.

"Come on let's keep dancing to your song" He says and starts moving and he put both his hand on my shoulders, I want to put my hands on his hips... so I do.

At first I thought he would push me away but he doesn't he just move his hips more like he wants me to grab them tighter.

I don't know how it happened and when but somehow we just stand there in the middle of the dancefloor fully grinding on each other. It feels amazing being this close to Louis.

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