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I have the biggest hangover ever, my head is feeling so heavy and like it's going to explode if I move too fast. Why did I drink red wine now again? Why did I do this to myself? I know that I get the hangover from hell every time I drink red wine.

I curse my own existence when I open my eyes and I realize that I didn't shut the blinds last night, can someone please turn off the sun? My eyes can't handle this light.


Just for a second I forget how horrible I feel when I remember the beautiful boy who is still sleeping beside me, his head is resting on the pillow and if I look closely I'm sure there is a little bit of droll coming from his mouth.

I do look closely. I study every little bit of his relaxed face, the way it seems like nothing in the world could bother him. I want to take a picture of him because right now he is the most beautiful human I have ever seen... But I don't, I don't want to move. Scared that if I do move I will wake him up.

So I just lay there memorising everything about him so I will keep this moment in my mind forever, hopefully never forget it and when I'm old and grey I will remember this.

I hope I will remember the mess of his curls falling over his forehead.

"Hi" He mumbles out and slowly opens his eyes. I don't understand how he doesn't look like shit. I'm sure he drank more wine than I did and still he doesn't look like it affected him at all.

"Hello there." I mumble out, the awful pain is back in my head and I try to not show Harry how I feel like a zombie.

"You look like hell" Stop laughing please, it's too loud. I absolutely love the sound of his laugh but right now I wish he could laugh a little quieter.

"How are you not hungover?" I feel like shit, like a big pile of poop.

"After all the years on the road you learn to get completely smashed to the day after not feel anything... it's one of the pros of being on the road." He says and once again let out a laugh, this time quieter so I actually can enjoy it instead of wanting to rip out his vocal cords.

"Well damn it." I mumble out and close my eyes. My head is a mess.

"Want breakfast... or more like lunch?" Harry asks while he picks up his phone looking at it, I assuming he looked what time it is because of the statement.

"I want everything but at the same time I'm scared that if I actually eat anything I will puke... damn it I think I might still be drunk." I laugh out looking at him standing there at the edge of the bed in his underwear, he is so beautiful. The sun shines on him, honestly I think it might shine for him.

"Well whatever happens after you eat the food we will handle then." He says and starts to put on his clothes.

I watch him while he gets dress, I am not planning on making any moments to actually stand up from this bed, at least not until he is fully dressed.

"Oh come on stop checking me out" He says and throws me my shirt, the smile on his face is a giveaway that he actually enjoys my eyes wandering all over his body.

"So I usually eat healthy the day after, but I have a feeling you're not really up for a salad" He knows. He knows that literally most human being crave something that's bad for you, me not being an exception from that... sadly. I wish I would just go around craving salad, it would be so much easier for me to actually stay healthy that way.

"So... pizza?" I ask and give him a smile while I actually decide to leave the warm comfort of the bed to get up... to be able to actually touch him.

Damn I want to kiss him but I also know that my breath stinks of yesterday's wine... so I literally smell as good as a feel, life is so unfair...

Damn it why do people say that "I feel like deserve" I don't deserve this. I had a great time... a really great time.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him only to hide my face in his neck. I don't want to forget his smell ever, it's so hard to describe how someone smells.

"So are you ready to face the world?" No.


I know we could order pizza here but honestly the wine stain on the floor in the kitchen have left the apartments with a weird smell... plus I don't have any clean dishes and I am defiantly not ready to clean up just yet.

So when we're dressed and ready to go out I feel like this is it. I have freshen up and I know the moment we step out of those doors we are out, we haven't even talked it through properly.

Sure people have seen us together for a while now but this time is different, maybe not for them... but for me.

This time will be the first time it actually feels like we both know what's going on... for the first time it feels like we understand what will happen.

So we just stand there looking at the door that will lead us out to the world. The world were people isn't as nice as you wish they would be.


"Yeah." I mumble to his very wage statement.

I pull my beanie over my ears hoping it would help me shut the people out.

It didn't work. 


So... some would call this a filler... or a shitty chapter, but I call it an update which we all know doesn't really happen often. 

So much have happened since last time I updated, my mind is in such a weird place and I feel like I'm getting better but being away from writing have made me realize that even with my mind being a mess I need this. This is an escape from it all just for a while. 

So I'm sorry if the updates doesn't come when you guys want them and that I can't tell you when the next will show up... All I know right now is that I'm getting there, life just isn't what I hoped it would be.

Love you and thanks for sticking by me even with my mind being a shit load of crap. 

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