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A few weeks pass by like a blur, I just put all my focus on snowboarding. Harry got back from Sweden but he only stayed in London for like a week before he was needed somewhere else. I would like to say that the distance just makes seeing each other so much better... but I would be lying.

Honestly I feel like the more distance there is between us the more drama comes with it. So much rumours of us is circling the internet that I've just completely just logged out of every single social media I have.

I just don't need that kind of distraction right now. The finale of the X games is coming up and I just really need to put every single one of my powers on this. I've decided that maybe I'm getting too old for this now.

I love snowboarding I do... it's just maybe I don't love competing anymore, I just feel like I could do something else now.

Maybe it's time to move on to the next chapter of my life, maybe it's time to focus more on life than snowboarding.

I let the wind grab a hold of my clothes while I glide down the slope in the training facility, this will be my last run for the day and then I will be able to get home. I will probably just lay on the couch while watching some Stranger Things. Harry and I started watching it together but after being away so much from each other we just decided that it's okay to watch it without the other person there.

It's defiantly not the same thing without him there with me.

"If you do it like that in the finale you will be able to win this whole thing." James says with a huge smile on his face, if I didn't knew James I would think he was proud of me... but that's not the case. He just sees me winning the finale as another one of his achievements to put on his resume.

We just talk for a while about when we should see each other tomorrow to do the last touch ups.

Walking to my car has become one of the hardest parts of my life these last couple of weeks. Everyone knows who I am now and no one leaves me alone. People follows me wherever I go in hopes to find me doing something I shouldn't.

Why? Because apparently I'm now Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles boyfriend... not just the boy who likes to snowboard.

The drive home is completely silence, scared that this might be the only part of my day when I'm alone without anyone ringing my doorbell or screaming my ears off.

Silence, that's something that I took for granted before Harry.

The sound from my phone breaks the peace I'm feeling, the whole car is telling me to answer... damn you hands free system.

Harry is calling....

I just drive letting it ring until it stops. I just can't with any more people today. Not even Harry... especially not Harry.

I park outside of my apartment and let out a big sigh when I see the teenage girls sitting against the wall of the building. They have been sitting there since this morning when I left.


I don't even acknowledge anymore, all they ever do is ask questions I don't know the answers to.

Everything changed after that text Harry sent me when he was in Sweden.

Louis, be my mistake?

That text changed everything... or more like my answer did.


What happened after that can only be described as chaos.

Unlocking my apartment door is such an easy thing to do but somehow I always feel like it's such a bother to do.

Another call from Harry reaches my voicemail, I just let it ring until it stops. I know he will leave a really long message about how he is worried about me for not picking up but that he also knows that's I'm probably busy with snowboarding.

He doesn't know how this is slowly killing me, how his fame is eating my alive and soon there is just an empty shell where I used to be.

The apartment is dark and empty, I don't bother turning any lights on. I like the darkness, maybe then people will think I'm not home... I'm just lying to myself they always know where I am.

When I'm finally laying down on my couch I realize that this is what my life have become. I used to be able to do things without having people watching my every move.

Everything was good until it just wasn't anymore. All the small things in my life changed to the point that I don't even recognise them anymore.

Harry told the whole world in an interview that we were officially a couple, and after that it was over. My whole life as I knew it.

I of course knew that things would change by being with Harry, but seriously I don't expect my whole life to change this much... it has changed to the point that I barely feel like it's my life anymore.

I liked how it was before we went official when I still was able to be a little bit of me.

Without bothering starting the series I turn of the TV, I know that I won't be able to concentrate on it anyway.

Walking around the apartment like a zombie, hearing the doorbell ring almost every single minute... I really need to get it uninstalled because I can't live with this ringing much longer.

When will it end? Will it ever end?

I plug in my phone to the speakers so it will drown out the sound, Blink-182 takes over the ringing at least a little bit.

I never thought I'd die alone

I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?

The first tears stars falling, and soon I'm quietly having a break down on the floor at the spot where I shared my first kiss with Harry.

The music keeps playing and I feel like I'm choking on my own tears.

Give all my things to all my friends

You'll never step foot in my room again.

Snow Angels (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now