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Nick was awake at the view of Louis, their forehead stick together,his arms still not loosing it grip around the boy’s waist.Their legs tangled perfectly under sheets and for a mere second Nick though he was dreaming before everything from last night came rushing back.

  ”Mornin”’ Louis groaned softly, battling his eyelashes a few times  before revealing those treasures behind his lids.Nick doesn’t mind Louis’s morning breathe since he’s probably too busy taking in the view of how beautiful Louis look now,he looked like an absolute angel.

  ”Mornin..” Nick almost,almost couldn’t look the boy in the eyes.Louis purred like a kitten ,snuggle against Nick’s neck and oh god Louis felt so warm in his arms.

  ”Are you feeling any better?” Nick says after he buried his nose onto Louis’s soft hair,breathing in the smell of last night’s vodka,Louis nodded,freeing himself from Nick’s embrace.

  ”Yes,Yes,I’m am.Thank you.” Louis hummed sheepishly.

  ”Promise me that you’ll keep what happened between us?” Nick understands that Louis rarely show people his true self,and of course he wanted this to be their secret.

  ”Of course, darling.It’s our little secret.” The word ”our” left Nick’s mouth dry.Our,we, Louisandhim . Those are just things he could get use to.He smiled to himself,trying to hide it from Louis sight but clearly he failed.

  ”You looks funny.” Louis giggled,pulling Nick closer.Hands ghost up to Nick’s head,ruffling through his already tousled hair.

 ”What’s happening in this little head of yours , hmm?” Nick hook his head, wanted to changed the topic but his majesty just won’t give up.

  ”No,I won’t tell you cause you’ll be so smug and I hate you when you ‘re smug . ” Louis rolled his eyes, being so flamboyant as he could be.

  ”C’mon, c’mon.” The younger boy started poking Nick, annoying him for a few moments before the boy finally give in.

  ”I am happy that I’m the one that you come out to,even though you were drunk.I’m happy that I get to see the side of Louis Tomlinson. It made me feel somewhat…” Nick paused for a brief moment,glancing back into the Doncaster lad’s eyes. His eyes encouraging him,telling him to go on and he did.

  ”It somewhat made me feel special.” Louis’s eyes lit up as Nick finshed his statement .

  ”You re special to me , Grimmy.Even though I never thought I’ll be saying this, I near knew we could get along so well. But you care about me,and…and I am so grateful there’s finally someone who cares, thank you.” Louis grinned sincerely and Nick just love the crinkles by his eyes when he do that.

  Nick appreciate it,really he do do.Because it made Louis a real person with feelings,with flaws and not like the Louis management force him to be.But to Nick,any side of Louis, no matter ugly (Louis will always be beautiful to him) or beautiful. Louis will forever engrave as perfection in Nick’s heart.But of course he couldn’t show it,show he loves Louis because he knows it’s his weakness and Louis Tomlinson will surely use it against him.

  ”Darling,if you really want to thank me, how about treating me breakfast.” Louis  raised his eyebrows while Nick remain his smirk.

  ”I’m afraid I can’t do that that,love.” Louis shook his head and Nick glared at him in a mocking way.

 ” I knew it,you ungrateful twat.You re such a bad,bad friend.” Nick shook his head and gave Louis a disapproving look. Louis took advantage upon Nick’s lost of focus and tweak the older lad’s nipple,Nick of course,groaned in surprise.

  How very dare of you, what I mean is since it’s noon now,we ‘re probably going for brunch and since I’m upset about what you said,you re going to pay for your own meal, Grimshaw.” Louis ended his sentence with an evil smirk,Nick on the other hand gaped.

  ”C’mon,darling.You know I was joking right? You’re such a babe to me.” Nick fake a female voice and Louis can’t help but shiver in disgust.The older lad tackle him down, climbing on top of the smaller boy and attempted his best puppy eyes (which he learn from Harry,that boy can get away with everything with those big green eyes) .

  ”Lou, puhlease ?” Nick said in his sweetest tone, trying his best at imitating Harry, pouting his lips to add the effect.

  ”You know only Harry can get away with this,not you,definitely not you,Grimshaw.” Nick frowned as if someone just tell him his dog is dead and Louis give in,letting out a defeated sigh.

  ”Get that look off your face and piss off me before I change my mind,Grim.” Nick grinned happily (finally,now he look like a dog whose master agreed to play with him . Louis thought to himself) And Nick did just what he was told, he climb off Louis,that stupid grin still stuck on his face.

  Louis went over to his drawer and pick out his clothes,stripes and chinos.Something he usually wear.Louis peeled off his shirt and Nick did try his best at looking away but he couldn’t. As if Louis’s body is a magnet and after three seconds of debating in his mind,his eyes still wonder off and finally land on Louis’s back.

  Louis’s now half naked,Nick licked his dry lips.Scanning Louis’s small back,that perfectly tanned skin.With the thoughts of Nick’s nails digging into the bare flesh of Louis’s back while the younger lad pound him deep into the mattress, Nick moaned quietly to himself.He never was the type to be a bottom bitch but for Louis, he just might. And how wonderful it will be, Nick on his knees just for the pretty boy.

  He stopped his thoughts from going further,fearing if he continue he might just have an embarrassing hard on and Louis will know and that bastard will just laugh at him and not help him out . ( he dreamt about it far too many times) Nick bit his lips when Louis wiggle out of his skinny jeans and left his boxers on.His eyes were sat on Louis’s perfectly curved assets and he might just taste blood from his already bruised lip.

  ”I bet you’re liking the view,wipe that drool off your face will you , babe?” Louis teased and Nick’s cheeks were burning red right away when all of a sudden their eye contact were locked on and Louis knew just what Nick was thinking, reading him like an open book.

  ”Don’t be so full of yourself,Tomlinson.” Nick didn’t denied nor did he agree but by the look that still remain on Louis’s gorgeous face, Nick knew he lost this round against the ”Tommo” Tomlinson.

  ”Whatever you say,babe.” Louis smirked and wiggle his chinos up,zipping it.When Louis was done grooming himself,He went out with Nick and they went to some cafe and had their meals.They talked about nonsense and before they go in separate ways.Louis promised he will be in touch with Nick.

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