The bad dream, chapter 4:

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           Stacey POV:
(Stacey walks to school)

Stacey: Omg, I'm going to be so freaking late!


Stacey: dang it and Carly beat me. I can't let her beat me!

Stacey: maybe she is better than me and way prettier!

Stacey: I wish I wasn't such a jerk to her last night....

(Carly walks past Stacey and flips her hair because she has allot more friends and is more popular since she left Stacey.)

Stacey: ugh! You ain't got nothing on me!

Carly: your right I have nothing on you.

Carly: but speaking of this, they at least have something I have.

Stacey: and what would that be.

Carly: passion! Duh...

Stacey: I have passion.

Carly: uh... Ok whatever you think.

Stacey: ok bye.

Carly: ok whatever.

( an hour later and Stacey is at class)

Teacher: Stacey what is nine plus ten?

Stacey: 19.

Carly: no it is 21!

Teacher: Carly nobody asked you darling.

( everyone starts laughing)

Carly: ok whatever.

Stacey:  yeah, Carly!

Carly: shut up Stacey.

Stacey: make me Carly.

Carly: no

Stacey: why Carly

Carly: because your too far.

Stacey: yeah whatever. Your scared.

Carly: no I'm not!

Stacey: than do something.

Carly: no

Stacey: exactly because your scared.

Carly: no I just don't want to.

Teacher: girls that is enough. Y'all argue every day and I'm so sick of it detention for both of y'all.

( Stacey starts breathing heavily. And every thing went blank when she suddenly woke up from a bad dream)

I got you guys LOL
Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter
Love ya : janie😘

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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