The Rejection Letter

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I gasp awake with such alarm that my senses are heightened 100% and I'm momentarily paralyzed. My eyes snap open and once I see that I was in no danger my senses dull back to human strength and my heart relaxes to its normal rhythm. Jeez, what an unexpected and unneeded fright.

I sit up and brush off grass clippings from my clothes and face. What the hell am I doing on the side of the road? I look around and above me completely lost. The sun was rising so it was early morning. My bones creak and protest any sort of sudden movement. Have I been here all night?

I wipe my numb nose and start to feel a bit of pain on the back of my head. Confused I reach up and touch the nape of my neck feeling nothing. I gently tap on random areas of my head trying to find the part that hurt. On the tenth tap a shock of pain meets my finger tips. "Ouch." I hiss as I blindly examine the bump with my fingers. "Ou-uu-chh."

I feel something wet and bring my hand in front of my eyes to see what it was. There staining my finger tips was blood. "Holy crap." I jump to my feet and look around me wildly trying to see if anything dangerous was near by. Was I attacked last night and left here for dead? When I find nothing but a couple of singing birds I sit back down and try really hard to remember last night.

I remember being grounded to the school festival. I remember leaving the house and arriving at the festival. I remember taking pictures and...nothing.

I dig out my phone and search the pictures sure enough finding some of last night. The sky was still light so between that time and morning something happened. But what? Maybe the injury gave me a concussion? "Do you remember anything?" I direct my wolf, but after a couple moments she doesn't answer. "Hey, did you hear me? Do you remember anything from last night?" No answer. "Fine, don't answer me. I'm going home." I stand and walk down the road toward my house.

To think I passed out so far away from my house. If I wasn't wrong I was about 30 minutes away by car so it should take me an hour or so to get there in my state. As I walk I examine my clothes and see how much of a mess they were in. Grass stains were splattered all over my hoodie and my shorts were covered in dirt. There goes a good outfit. At least my phone and money weren't stolen. And I don't feel like I was sexually assaulted so my virtue must be safely in tact.

Thank the Moon Goddess for that.

When I reach my home it dawns on me that I was out all night. Never have I done this. Is this good or bad? Will my parents congratulate me or punish me with another grounding? It's not like I have a curfew, but I've never been out past 12 am before.

With a slight painful shake of my head I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer. "That must be her!" My mother shouts from the inside and I can hear her running to the door. "Oh when I get a hold of her-Alexandra?" When mom opens the door and lays eyes in me all dramatic acts drop. The only I thing left is a worried mother. "What happened to you? Are you injured? I smell blood. Honey, get over here!" She ushers me into the house and takes me to the kitchen where she sits me on a high stool.

"What is it?" Dad asks coming into the kitchen with nothing, but his boxers on. I have to admit; at one time-judging by the pictures-dad was hot. But now seeing him virtually naked made my stomach quiver. "Alexandra! What happened to you?"

"Put some clothes on, dad." I say shielding my eyes from his out of shape physique.

"You must be hallucinating in your current state. The girls go crazy for my body." Dad says and from between my fingers I could see him reluctantly putting on an apron. "There, I've covered this sinful skin just for you."

"Thanks." I say dryly. "Now, to answer your questions; I don't know what happened. Can't remember a thing."

"You were assaulted!" Mom screeches. "There's nothing to remember! Look at her lips, honey! Swollen from being forcefully kissed too long! And her eyes! Red and sore from crying for freedom! Your clothes are a mess! You've been raped! Dear, Goddess, our daughter has been raped!"

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