Chapter 4

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Katrina is now 15 years old

By this time Katrina had found herself a boy friend. His name was Jacob also known as Jay. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

Jacob had been bullied many times for the way he lookes.

He had only recently moved to Wales from Devon.

He had no parents but had a sister and an aunt. They had decided to stay in Devon.

They had now been together for 6 months.

Katrina and Jay have fucked a couple of times now.

On the 24th of August Katrina was fatigue that made no sense and was inescapable. They both rushed over tk the doctors to see what was wrong with her.

After an hour the results were back. It turned out that Katrina was 3 weeks pregnant. This was an exiting moment for them.

8 months later

Katrina and Jacob were sleeping.

Suddenly Katrina woke up screaming.

Her waters had broken.

Jacob was on the phone waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

They were just in time. She was in agony now with buckets of sweat pouring of her face.

In hospital

Katrina was pushing and screaming. One baby girls head poped out. That baby was out safely but Katrina was still in a lot of pain.

She was rushed up to have surgery.

She had to have her belly cut open. The doctors had pulled out another two babies out. They were both boys.

Katrina and Jacob had decided to call them Heledd, Steffan and Aled.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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