Daddy girlfriend out of town✈️

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Brooklyn pov
My dad's girlfriend just left on her business trip for two weeks. So I get to spend time with my dad and not have his girlfriend in the picture with us and it will be actually fun for once. To his house because she's not there for those two weeks and I won't go home crying again because she said I was a slut

Daddy pov
I just drop my girlfriend at the airport and I'm on my way to pick up Brooklyn from her moms house. I will actually have time to spend with Brooklyn this weekend or these two weeks because my girlfriend won't be in town and won't be bothering me and Brooklyn are those two weeks and I will actually take Brooklyn out of town this weekendfor her basketball tournament she has her gymnastics competition her mom says she's really looking forward to this weekend and these next two weeks without my girlfriend so I can spend time with Brooklyn

Brooklyn pov
My dad's on his way to pick me up so we can go out of town for my competition this weekend and it will be super fun because I will actually spend time with him and not have his girlfriend nagging him about having to set at my competitions for the weekend because my mom can't can't go this weekend because she has work and her boyfriend's coming over and they're planning their wedding so she can't be two places at once and I'm really said she can't come by game I'm really excited my dad is

Brooklyn daddy get to Brooklyn moms house

Daddy pov
I just got to pick Brooklyn up and On our way out of town and I'm excited to actually get to know Brooklyn  more because my my girlfriend's not here and she's out of town and she would complain about having to sit Brooklyn  competition and. It just be us two for the next two weeks because her mom's letting me have her for the next two weeks and Brooklyn is really excited for this weekend and these next two weeks

Sorry I couldn't not updated this story because I was starting driver Ed and then my friend got sick then I was studying for exams and then I got my license now so I can drive without a parent in the car with me and I took the test three days after my 16 birthday last month because my 16 was on the 16 of April and I took my test on the 19 of April  so I been driving a lot I really sorry I couldn't updated any sooner Im really sorry that it took this long to update this story  and I will try to update this story soon
And can you please comment and tell me what you think about this story

Love Becca 😀😀😀😀

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