Daddy over protective

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Brooklyn POV
So I'm back at daddy house and we are going on a play date with one of daddy friends baby boy.  I can't wait to go play with him and have fun. But daddy really over protective about letting me go play with him.

Daddy pov
Brooklyn and I are going on a play date. I'm really over protective of Brooklyn because she my little girl and I don't want her to leave me. I'm going to try and make it seem like I'm not jealous.  About her going to play with my best friend son.

Brooklyn POV
We are getting ready to go on the play date .  I can't wait to go play with him! I kind of like daddy friend son he really cute and fun to play with.

Daddy POV
we just got to my friend house. Brooklyn went to play with my her friend. left me to talk with my friend. she was ignoring me because she was hanging out with her friend.

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