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I took her to Chanel Café. I pulled her seat out making her sit. I took my seat in front of her. We both ordered and once the waiter walked off I looked at her seeing her looking around. I took a good look at her.
"This is a beautiful café" she said making me smile.
"Some say the best around this place" I said making her smile.
"So what do you do for a living?" She asked making me smile.
"I'm in a boy band with some of the best lads I've ever met. We're on tour right now actually" I said making her smile.
"How about you?" I asked making her look down and smile.
"I'm filming a new movie. And I'm in the middle of shooting my new music video" she said making me nod.
"Wow, the busy girl you are" I said making her giggle.
"It's a living" she said making us both laugh. I took another look at her making her smile as she caught my gaze.
"I'm sorry, you just look a lot like someone I know." I said making her cross her eyebrows.
"I feel the same thing to you" she said making me shake my head
"Sorry, when did you start the ShowBiz?" I asked making her chuckle.
"About two years ago. I was discovered when I sang on a karaoke machine in a mall with my best friend." She said making me nod.
"Amazing...did you like it before or now?" I asked making her look down and smile.
"Before..." She said making me look at her.

"I loved it when I didn't have any responsibilities with celebrity stuff. I loved it when I was free from being known world wide. And the best thing about before. I got to hang out with some of the best guys I've ever known. 5 of the most outrageous, kind, and talented boys. They were too in a boy band, one of them was my brother. I was stuck with them cause my parents were at a business trip and I'd say it was some of the best months I've ever had" I said making me look at Harry. I looked him seeing a bit of shock and happiness in his eyes. Then he looked down.
"Yea I guess everything was way easier before this ShowBiz stuff. But we are thankful right?" He said making me nod.
"I too had a one of my mates sister over to live with us. She was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. SHe was kind, courageous, and fun to be around. One of the smartest too." He said making me look at him.
"Your Girlfriend?" I asked making him nod.
"Where is she now?" I asked making him sigh.
"She moved here. I just haven't seen her yet." He said and then fell silent after. I sighed and reached over and held his hand.

She held my hand making me look down at it and then at her.
"I'm sorry. I know how you feel. I dated one of the boys in my brothers band but I needed to move away cause my parents told me we were living here. Permanently. I don't even know where he is now or how he looks like." She said making us both catch each other's gaze.
"But when I saw you. It all came back to me. You looked just like him" she said making me cross my eyebrows.
"I was thinking you too. You looked like her." I said making me hold her hand back. The story she said. Was all about Zoey...the Zoey I knew and loved! It was her...I found her! Then all the sudden her eyes looked worried making her pull away and stand. Tears were in her eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I need to get back to the hotel. Its really nice of you to invite me to a cup of coffee. I just can't think of this right now. I have to go" she said as she stood and turned to the door. I stuttered and stood. She was out the door making me start to run. I pushed the doors open looking around the streets. She had already made it to the steps of the hotel making me run across the road. I ran into the hotel making me rush to the elevator. I pushed the button many times until the doors opened making me rush in.

I stopped at her floor making me run out bumping into the lads. I grunted and stood up. They all looked at me.
"What's up Harry?" Niall asked making me look around.
"Where is Zoey's room?" I asked making them all point down the hall.
"But she's not there. We stopped by seeing Cris only" Louis said making me pant and walk over to the wall and lean my back against it. She doesn't remember me. She doesn't recognize me. She doesn't know it's me. The lads walked over to me. I slid down and sat in the ground. The look of fear struck my face.
"What's wrong lad?" Louis asked as I felt a tear stroll down my cheek.
"I saw her..." I said making them sit down in front of me. The look of confusion on their faces.
"Who?" Niall asked making me look up at them. Tears were now streaming down my face.
"You were right...it was her...I was so blind...I was a fool for not believing you. I-I'm sorry" I said as a small gasp came from their lips. Liam patted my back.
"Woah Harry...it's alright... You were just confused...we understand" he said making me look at him as they all hugged me. I smiled and wiped my tears away. I pulled off.
"I mean you got to admit...she does look different than she was before" Zayn said making me nod.
"But...she doesn't remember me. She didn't even recognize me" I said making them sigh.
"Look Zoey right now is...pretty tough. She's been too busy to even hang with us... And now we don't even know where she is" Louis said making me look at him confused.
"She's gone?" I asked making them nod. I crossed my eyebrows as they look calm about it.
"Are you not worried that she is gone and Cris doesn't know where she is?" I asked making their eyes widened.
"ZOEY?!?!?" They all screamed making us all stand and run towards the elevator.

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