Chapter 1
Valentines Day finally came, heart shaped balloons everywhere, pedals on the ground, and dinner on the table. I'm in my fancy dress, hair fixed up, makeup, and earrings. A soft knock on the door catches me attention. I rush to the door, to see Niall with a hand full of tulips, my favorite. "Hey," he said in his sweet Irish accent.
He was dressed in a black suit wearing a red tie. He handed me the flowers with a genuine smile. He grasped my hand and guided me to the table, lit with candles. He pulls out my chair, like a gentleman, then gave me a kiss on the head.
We start to eat our meal, when Niall says with delight, " I love the meal Maria." A smile wide with pride. He pushes his chair out, then whispers in my ear, " Follow Me."
He guided me up the steps, through the narrow hallways, into my bedroom, and sat me in the bed. He whispered, " Close your eyes." I slowly closed my eyes. I hear shuffling. Suddenly I smell a burning kind of sent. I open my eyes, the room was engulfed with flames, Niall nowhere to be seen. I run out of my bedroom to go downstairs, which was even more engulfed then ever. Red flames were splattered on every wall.
I look on the dinning room table, the candle fell over. Niall must have bumped it while getting up. I grab the phone an call 911. " Fire is everywhere, I can't find my boyfriend, I need help," I screamed. They said they would be here in a minute,
When they came, I ran out. They rushed inside to stop the fire, and find Niall. Will they find him, or did he get trapped in the flames?
The paramedics rushed into my house, now black and burned. They were in there for what felt like hours. In minutes they rush out with ,a severely burned , Niall. I dashed to be by his side, but the police held me back.
"No, I have to see him!" I yelled, pushing them out of my way. He was burned everywhere. I heard what sounded like a faint mumbling sound.
I bend down to Niall. He was moaning in pain. The paramedics pushed him into the ambulance. I ask when can I see him. "In about 4 weeks." they say with a concerned face.
I stood an watched as my boyfriend rides in an ambulance, and I can't be by his side. A slow, cold tear rolled down my face, and dripped off my chin onto the black street. I whipped out my phone to call .my best friend. "Pey, I need a ride, I need to talk to you." I say worried.
The car ride to her house was long an silent. She decides to break the silence, " What happened, did you get hurt?" I let out an long an loud sigh. " No, but Niall did." Peyton stopped the car along the road. She grabbed my hand, and said, " Listen, I have something I need to tell you."
"Niall was going to propose to you. He wanted you to close your eyes to see your reaction, I wasn't suppose to tell, but it looks like a good time." My breath was just sucked out if my body. I couldn't believe my ears. Propose? I didn't know he felt that way.
Peyton started to drive a little more up the road. When we reached her house, there was a long pause. We got out of the car, then went up her driveway. At the door, she hesitated to put the key in the lock. " Look Louis doesn't know about Niall in the hospital, keep it quite."
Louis was sitting on their couch watching soccer. " Hey babe, why are you guys so down?" he said while walking over to us. "My mum baked us some cupcakes for Valentines Day." He rises his eyebrow in suspicion. He looked behind us, then back at me. " Where is Niall?"
I didn't have the heart to tell him. The have been together for years. " He ...he's in the hospital." I said hesitating. Louis stumbled back in surprise "What did you do." he barked, tears in his eyes. He pined me to the floor, Peyton screaming. " I didn't do anything, he knocked over a candle, an it lit the whole house. he was trapped in the flames!" Peyton prided Louis off me. " We can't see him for weeks, we have to wait." she said. Maria your staying here tonight, you need sleep, things will get better in the morning.