I looked away for a slight second, until a green car came screeching into the passenger side of my car. I spiraled out if control into a tree nearby. I didn't know what was happening. Everything flashed before my eyes.
The next thing I knew, I could hear children's voices. I opened my eyes, and I could see four people, a male, a female, and two kids, a boy and girl. I could recognize the boy, it was Niall! Those kids were his. The lady though, didn't look like Mary. I yelled at Niall, but he didn't turn around, he kept playing with those kids. I ran around to face the women, she was me! I heard myself say " Come on Xavier and Emily." I always wanted to name my kids that. I could feel tears in my eyes.
I would never be able to hold them. They can't see or hear me. Suddenly, everything swirled. They all disappeared. I woke up gasping for air, in a hospital. Doctors were all around me. I heard one say "Look, she's awake."