Weeks passed, then the next thing I know, I'm walking down the isle in a sleek white wedding dress. On my left my family and friends. On my right , Niall's family and friends, and One Direction. When I reached the end, Niall's hands were so soft and warm. I looked into his deep blue eyes. When the preach said the words, we both said , I do.
He slowly grasped my face, and gave me the softest most romantic kiss. Everyone clapped, then out of nowhere, I hear the music for Right Now. One Direction pop up from their seats pull out mics, and sing!
I sat an watched my husband sing for me on stage. my life would be changed forever.Suddenly, everything got quite. One direction moved out of the way, to let Niall through. He wrapped his arm around my back, pulled me close, put his forehead on mine, then whispered, "Irresistible", which is my favorite lyric from that song. He gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.
As we walked out of the wedding house, that's stupid red car pulls up. Mary comes out pissed as ever! She comes out screaming that "I stole him" and "He belongs with her".The thing that really got me angry, when she said,"TAKE CARE OF YOUR BABY!"
Niall looks at me, I look at him. "Baby?" I joked. Mary snickered, went to her car, and pulled out a baby girl. How is that her baby, she was with Niall, hopefully, for only a few weeks. "Niall, you had a baby with your cousin?" I questioned.
"Cousin?" she protested. "I'm his girlfriend." I was blown away! How could this happen without me knowing? Niall swore up and down she was lying. I didn't know who to believe at this point.Out of nowhere, the boys come out. "Is this Nialls girlfriend, yes or no." I demanded. The boys just looked at Niall, as in you answer this one buddy. Niall swore again that she was not his girlfriend.
He says they did date RIGHT BEFORE he dated me, then had a kid, but broke up an saw other people. She married another man an tried to raise that child, but it didn't work. He said she has been trying to get back together with him, but he declined to marry me. Then she swore revenge, and that she would have him one way or another.