Let me guess, done with me?
I understand.
Everyone is done with me eventually.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tonight I realized that
You weren't the one who
Wrecked me,
Ruined me,
Or destroyed me.
It was me
Because only I
Have the power to do that
To myself.
I destroyed myself by loving you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Really, like I'm dying.
Like I'm screaming and no one can hear.
Like I'm drowning and I can see everyone else breathing.
Like I'm dying in the middle of the street and no one notices.
Nothing or no one can make it better.
It doesn't end.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have found it is
Easier to hold hands
With a stranger,
Confess secrets
Anonymously online,
Or tell a distant
Family member
That you love them,
Than it is to make
Eye contact with
The girl you still
Feel on your lips.