Baby Doctor aka BEST DAY EVER

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Chandler's P.O.V.
Well, we did do what we said we were going to do. It was amazing! Anyway, her appointment to go to the doctor again is today at 4, which is exciting and kinda scary because we will probably get to see what it is, and kinda scary because it may not be there anymore..😓 BUT LETS NOT FOCUS ON THAT. She is still in the bed and I don't know why I got up so early, it's 6 a.m. right now and I have absolutely nothing to do.. I'm going to get ready right now to take her to the doctor because yeah, why not?
Okay, I finally got done with all that and now it's 9 a.m.
Allison finally woke up
Good morning!
"Uhhhhh," she said
Did you know you have an appointment today?
Yeah! I can't wait! Go get ready!!
"I will right now!"
Okay ❤️
12:00 a.m.
She is finally done showering, doing her hair, and putting on make up(she don't need any but okay).
Now she is going to make breakfast because I'm starving at the moment😂
"Babe? What do you want to eat?"
It don't matter fix whatever you wanna fix. I'm just hungry, I'd eat anything tbh.
"Okay, well I'm going to make cinnamon rolls for me, you want that or something else?"
That's fine with me!
"Okay well I'm going to start making them and you can go to something"
Allison's P.O.V.
It's 12 a.m. and I forgot AGAIN that I had an appointment so I'm just making us breakfast right now. What do you know? I turned around and were I told Chandler he could do something, HE STARTED SNAPPING PICTURES OF ME! What a blessing❤️
10 minutes,Chan!
"Okay, I'm coming right now!"
1:00 p.m.
We finally have breakfast and it was SOOO good!
What do you mean? you don't like them?
You scared me a lil bit there😂
2:00 p.m.
We're now getting in the car because it's like a 1 and a half hour drive over to where we have to go now, sadly. but it's worth it!
"So how did you sleep last night after what we did?"
7 letters. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
"That's good! I don't know why I got up so early, I guess it was where I knew you have an appointment today.. But it was really weird"
We talked for about an hour and then I fell asleep listening to music for about 25 minutes and woke back up and Chandler says, "5 more minutes!! By the way, did you know you're adorable when you sleep?"
Yay! & no, I didn't. did you know you are?❤️
"Aw, ilysm"
We're here!!
We walk in and there is nobody there
I guess we'll be the first ones to go in.
The doctor walks to the lobby and takes us on in the room where they do the scan. "Give me like 5 more minutes and we can begin, I have to go get the stuff." the doctor says smiling.
Chandler says, "This is really it, today we get to see our baby's gender! This will be amazing, I have to get my phone out for this and take a million pictures!"
Awe, baby I love you, you're going to be the perfect daddy❤️
The doctor walks back in and says,"Ready to begin?"
Chandler wanted to talk I guess and blurts, "More than ready!"
"Okay , okay" he says laughing and smiling at the same time. He puts the gel on my stomach and starts rubbing the stick thing on my stomach... All of a sudden, you could hear a PERFECT heartbeat! Chandler has already started bursting tears of joy, and then, the doctor tells us what we're going to have and Chandler starts bawling even more!!" I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY BABY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO ALLIE!!😭😭😭💟💟💟💟💟💟" BEST DAY EVER❤️
It's official, ITS A ..........................

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