Checking on Adriana

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I apologize if this chapter is crappy but I can't even breathe still I got very very happy news and can't get over it!!😭❤️ 5/15/16
Chandler's P.O.V.
Yesterday was great!!! Allison is actually taking a shower right now because we have to go to the baby doctor again today to check on Adriana and I can't wait! In the meantime, I'm going to play some LOL until she gets out. 
*starts playing LOL*
"Chandler?! Are you okay? What's wrong!"
Oh, I'm sorry babe! I'm just playing LOL and you know how I get sometimes!
"Ohh, don't scare me like that! I thought you were fighting with someone"
I'm sorry
"It's okay, love you I'll be out in about 5 mins"
She's been in there for about 25 minutes now.. Okay!
*5 minutes passes, she gets out of the shower*
Are you done yet?, I say.
"Yeah, I'm done! Just getting clothes on! You gonna take a shower?"
Yeah, I ain't goin in a doctors office smelling like a sweaty piece of trash
"Okay,okay. (LOL) Oh yeah, leave LOL on, I wanna play."
*she walks out looking like a fucking diamond😻*
"Chan, st-st-stoppppp," she says laughing and smiling as I cover her neck in kisses
I love you, be back out in about 25 minutes!
"hah, love you too"
I get in the shower.
Allison's P.O.V.
I walk over to the couch to play LOL when I notice on the screen that Chan has only won 2 times, I started busting out laughing!
Chan! You suck at LOL!
"oh, shut it. you try to do better!"
I will, I know I'll do better!
So I start playing it and I lost every time except 2... Wow, harder than I think.
"You've got 5 minutes before I get out and I wanna see how many times you've won."
It's on!
So I play, and play, and play. so finally I just gave up, I only won 2 times..oops
"I'm coming out!"
Come on..
So he walks out and looks at the screen..
"HA, we both won 2 times! Not as easy as it looks is it?"
Fine, fine. I admit it. It isn't as easy as it looks!
"knew it!"
Let's go get some breakfast.
*we both drove to a breakfast restaurant because I couldn't cook this morning and then we finished our food*
"Off to check on Adri!," he shouts
Haha, yep!
So we arrive at the doctor, he puts us in asap.
Doc: Who's ready to check on Adriana?
Chan and I: Us!
Then the doctor takes some pictures and makes a little video.
Doctor: She seems to be doing just perfect! Good job Allison, keep up eating and exercising healthy!
  You betcha I will.
Chan: Well, that's just perfect, my day just got made❤️ My baby girl is healthy❣
Chan: oh yeah, BOTH of my baby girls!
Thank you!❤️
*we drive back home, play some more LOL, meet up with friends, have fun. Then as always say what we say when we go to bed, then fall asleep*
I fell asleep on Chandler's chest, I remember that.❤️

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