12. The First Time, Again

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Already I could hear the buzz of the TV and scraping of forks on plates downstairs, which signaled that the day was currently in full swing. Glancing behind me, I held my index finger to my pursed lips, gesturing for Levi to be quiet as I started sneaking my way through the hall. It was very reminiscent of many years in my early adolescence, before I was old enough to have more freedoms. As if my life depended on it, I somehow managed to recall every place the steps would squeal to give me away, and I danced gracefully down them until I was on the ground floor. Fortunately, Levi had the good sense to follow in my footsteps, literally, so we made it without any issue, and when I poked my head into the kitchen I could see both dad and Bertha sitting at the table.

Bertha was seated so that she was facing us, but I doubted she would be interested enough to look up from her book, and even if she did, well, she just wouldn't care. Dad on the other hand faced the window, the way he always did, and I ducked back around the corner to give Levi one last kiss before I sent him home. It wasn't enough for him, and he pinned me against the wall, stealing so many more before finally releasing me. I felt breathless and weak in the knees like I usually did, but I quickly waved him off and composed myself before going in to face the others.

"Something smells good, did you cook? Oh, you're so sweet." I purred as I went over to inspect the stove, teasing Bertha.

"Good morning, son, eat up before it gets cold." Dad smiled at me and went back to his own plate, taking a bite before wiping his mouth, "well don't just run off, stay for breakfast at least." He craned his neck slowly to catch Levi in mid-sneak.

"I've, uh, got to get to work, but I guess I can spare a few minutes." He wrinkled up his face and looked at his wrist, checking the watch that he did not have. When he'd gotten some food for himself, he went and sat at the other hand of my father, leading me to believe it was more so for the fact that he could watch me from across the table than anything else.

"What are you two boys up to?" Dad asked neither one of us in particular as he took a drink of his water and stared out at the morning. I tried to discern the mischievous look Levi was giving me from the other side of the table, but knowing him there was no way for me to tell just what he was running through his mind.

"You know, Mr. Peters, I haven't slept that good in months—the girls have been fighting more than usual. It's just so nice to get away from it all." The way he delivered the line was not convincing, but dad merely nodded.

"I thought you should know that we're going to try and find out what happened to Caiti after Levi gets out of work." Laughing a little to smooth over his joke, I swiftly changed the subject, taking dad's mind away from the situation at hand while offering him some comfort at the same time.

"No, you best let the agency handle it, I don't want you two involved." He set his utensils down firmly, looking between us in a paternal manner. After he widened his eyes slowly to make a point, he went back to eating while Levi giggled to himself.

"I'll see you guys later," he said as he finished, getting up from his seat with a grin and taking his plate to the sink. On his way back he came around to my side and rubbed both my shoulders as he passed, stopping when he got to my father and holding out his hand. Dad looked at it for a second, then took it, pulling Levi in so that he could hug him. That surprised us both, but he embraced him just the same. It did something for me, to see the two most important men in my life like that. It made me long for what I wished I could have. Then Levi was gone, leaving us alone. It only lasted one whole minute before he sent me a text confirming we were still on for after work, and that he loved me.

"I know you both mean well, Gabe, but trust me when I tell you not to go sniffing around, I don't want you two getting hurt." Dad reached over and put his hand on my arm, bringing my attention back to him.

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