C H A P T E R - E L E V E N

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C H A P T E R — E L E V E N

Song- Soniyo, Raaz2


They say dreams are made of what we imagine.. what we want.. what we desire.
But they didn't say what it would be called when you find whole universe at your feet when you were least expecting any ground of your own.



"Come on, birthday girl. Make a wish", Aliya said –more like squealed– from beside me. I signed lowly to myself, smiled a forced smile at her before bending forward, to blow the candles of my complimentary birthday cake. I close my eyes to say my wish.

"I don't know where I stand with you. I don't know what I mean to you. All I know is every time I think of you, I want to be with you. Every minute of the day. Starting from now. This is all I wish for", I murmured to myself. Prayed it like a prayer.

Earlier that day.

It was six in the evening. I was sitting on one of the private luxury couches of the Hangout club that I didn't have to pay for. Aliya and Sania were sitting on either side of me. A glass of soft drinks on each of our hands. Rest of my friends were either on other couches, or dancing on the lightening floor of totally empty club. "Private booking", the manager of the club has said. Again the one I didn't reserved.

Apparently someone had booked the entire club for a private birthday party today, but due to some reasons had to cancel at the last moment. That was why one of the most famous night club of this city was empty today. And it was also Monday evening, the weekday. So, I doubt hardly anyone was going to show up, anyway.

Lucky for us.

"Happy birthday, Kavya", my friends and few of other classmates who were invited to my supposed birthday party –courtesy of Aarav and Roshni– stopped by to wish me.

I faked smile at them, mouthing happy  "thank you" to everyone. But, I was anything but happy.

Birthdays were supposed to be my favorite day of the year. But today, it doesn't feel special. There was this gaping hole in my chest that I can't really understand why it was there to begin with.

I was not into it today. I don't felt like celebrating my birthday. I just want to stay in my bed and cry my heart out. Unfortunately, I can't do that. First of all, my mum would be suspicious more than she also is because of my lack of enthusiasm today, no matter how much I try to fake it. And second, because of my friends. They were more excited for this party than I was.

I never thought one boy could affect me this much in such a so short period of time.

"It's alright, babe if he can't make it. Now, don't be upset on your own birthday", Aliya said from beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder in comforting gesture, her way of cheering me up.

This morning, when Aliya showed up at my home to wish me –because I may have forgotten to answer her calls last night– we cut chocolate cake –the one mum always made for me every year on my birthday– with bhai and dad on conference video calls and everyone singing happy birthday to me.

I had then thanked them with tears in my eyes. Specially looking at my dad's and brother's virtual faces on the laptop screen. I miss them terribly on this day. It was third year in raw that I was celebrating my birthday without either of them.

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