StOp ThIs GaMe: Alex

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He was talking to her.. Hannah.
She did horrible things to try and date me.
Tortured my other boyfriends, guilt tripped me
A lot. I just was terrified of her, and she was back.
Of all people why her? I watched the conversation,
She was going to help him. 8 against 2,
They would get me back. I tuned out of the conversation,
But tuned back in quickly when Kyle said
"We will record a hostage video
If they want her back so bad Johnnie stays with me
And we trick them and Alex stays with
You. Got it?" I snickered, knowing well that Johnnie
Won't do it.
He glanced at me.
"And if he doesn't his precious Alex
Gets some horrible things that happen to her
But of course we won't tell him that."
My heart stops. Oh no.
They are going to torture me?
Please No. Oh God no! Since they won't tell
Him Kyle know he won't do it.
They will probably just keep asking him to
Do this without explaining they will
Hurt me if he doesn't.
I wish Kyle would stop this already.
Stop this game.

A/N: somewhat short chapter I'm sorry guys it's early here and I decided to write so sorry if this chapter sucks.

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