The converstation

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They were three days into testing, when drew walks over and sits next to me.
"So you seem like a nice girl, whats your name?"
Bell was thinking about every possible thing that could happen. She finally answered after a painfully awkward minute or two.
"Wow your blushing! Why? I never said anything. Oh, i get it you like me!!" Drew said with his crooked smile.
"NO" bell turned completely red in the face.
"If you like me then give me your number" drew had the biggest smile on his fave he said this.
"Im not giving you my number and i don't like you" bell knew she was lying straight threw her teeth, and so did drew.
---drew begged for bells number for a while----
"Fine, if i give you my number will you leave me alone?" Bell was very aggravated.
"Yes!!!" Drew sounded so happy
"Ok, calm down! Its (503)455-4535"
They had to tak another test so the rest of their day was boring. But drew had a plan, he was determined to take bell on a date.

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