*buzz buzz*

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*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*  drew texted bell.
Bell looked down at her phone, she ignored his text like she ignores everyone else's to.  Bell never talked to anyone after school because she kept secrets ones that tore her apart.

Drew eventually gave up on trying to get her to answer. But that was ok he kept secrets too.

-12 am-
Bell cant sleep, she decides that its ok to text drew
*hey sorry i never answered earlier, um i was busy.*
Drew got the text immediately and he answered really quick.
*what where u doing*
Bell denied everything that happened but she needed to tell someone.
*can u keep a secret? Im being for real i have never told anybody!*
*yea of course*
*ok well its hard to explain but i have secrets, i do bad things to my arm, i dont eat, i hate myself.*
*are you ok?*
*define ok*
*able to live threw the night*

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