School day is over

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*ring ring* the school day was finally over. Drew stood outside the classroom waiting for bell, bell finally walked past and drew ran up to her.
* remember to text me, please* drew seemed like he cared a lot, but bell knew he really didn't.
*i wont now please leave me alone* as drew walked away a girl waked up to bell and shoved her into the lockers.
*your a fucking waste of space go kill yourself* she said as she walked away
'Maybe i will' bell thought to herself.
When she got home all she could do was cry. She put her earbuds in and listened to better off dead radio on pandora. She laid in her bed and cried herself to sleep. Drew was blowing up her phone, worried about her. Bell woke up at 2am she had  10 missed calls and 20 messages from drew. She ignored them she just went back to sleep. She decided she wasn't going to school today. So she faked threw up and told her mom she was sick.
Drew went to school hopeful to see bell but he was left alone. Drew was scared of why she wasn't at school, all he could think about was the worst conclusion

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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