Live While We're Young: Chapter 6

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"Is anyone else close to weeing their pants right now?" I asked as we stood outside Paul's door.

"Ummm just a little," Zayn choked out, as we were yanked into his room.

"ARE YOU GUYS INSANE?!?!?!??!!" He shouted, after we were being hovered over.

"Is their a correct way to answer that?" Louis asked timidly, while sinking down into the couch cushions.

"No.............. not even for a second!!! Why on earth, wold you guys risk all this..... those girls' safety.. their FACES are everywhere!!! I already had to send them protection.. you can NOT go ANYWHERE without them with you...." he said.

 "You call that a punishment?" I muttered to myself. "I'm not complaining about that."

"Harry... I assume you started all this......" he said to me.

"Why does everyone always assume that it was me?" I protested.

"Because you are the ladies man with no control over your hormones!" he said.

 I opened my mouth to argue with him....but shut it again when I realised he was right. "Hahaha that put you in your place didn't it Styles?" smirked Louis.

"Shut up Lou..." I whined.

"ENOUGH!!!" Bellowed Paul, making me jump in fright....I think he was a little bit cross.

"the point is... that you were thinking with the wrong heads!!! Have you BOTHERED even looking at the twitter talk?! to see how you're affecting them?! AT ALL?!" he asked.

"U-u-u-mmmm...w-w-w-well." stuttered Niall. "No we haven't." Liam answered for him.

"You know these girls... are getting DEATH threats!!!" he said. My heart dropped down to my stomach and Niall looked like he was about to lose his lunch.

"Death threats?" I whispered.

"Death threats... Especially Yours Harry......" Paul said. I groaned in frustration and grabbed fistfuls on hair.

"Is their anything we can do about it Paul?" Liam asked calmly.

"Liam.. once their faces are out there... they're out out there... this girls.... are in serious trouble...... all because YOU GUYS!!! couldn't control yourselves!" Paul lectured.

"So basically our options are...we're screwed and we're more screwed?" growled Zayn.

"Pretty much...." Paul agreed.

"Greeeeeaat." Niall said, throwing his hands up in the air. "Juuuuust peachy."

"Look... you boys.... have been so irresponsible... if you had just.. TOLD ME you wanted to see them... I could have arranged something!!! NOW! these girls wont be able to leave their houses without bodyguards!!! Harry!!! Did you know Jennifer has a child back in the states?!" he snapped. My mouth suddenly dried and my chest felt like I was being squeezed through a tube.


"A child!!! A little girl!!!! Who is now also in danger if those girls find out where she lives!!!" he said.

"Oh my God." I moaned, my head falling into my hands again.

"Exactly.. you boys DON'T THINK!!!!!" he shouted.

"Soooo...where do we go from here?" Niall asked hesitantly, still looking ghostly pale.

"We leave Australia.. your girls either can agree to travel with us... or stay behind and hope for the best...." Paul said.

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