Bullied:Justin Bieber Chapter 1

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Later at school....

Tay whats up Kaitlin said. Nothing I didn't wanna wake up though I said. You to Kaitlin said. Weres Brie? I asked. She said to meet up at the park later Kaitlin said. Justin walked by. Eww the gay freaks!! Justin said as him and his friends laughed. Listen you don't have to be mean to everyone Kaitlin said. Yeah Justin no one wants to listen to your crap I said. What did you just say Justin said. Nothing I said. That's what I thought Justin said. No one could ever be more mean watch im gonna go to my locker and theres gonna be a note to meet him after school.

After school...

Ok time to go meet Brie at the park I said. I wonder why she wasn't at school Kaitlin said. We were at the park. Hey brie why did you wanna meet I asked. Justin is ganging up on me to I am moving early Brie said. Im sorry but I am guessing you wanna move because of  me to I said. No its not that its just I have sdt Brie said. SDT? I asked. Stress Dieing thoughts Brie said. Never heard of it Kaitlin said. Its not called that I just think that's it im not so sure Brie said. Oh ok maybe SST I said. Maybe... Brie said. But why move I deal with it have you ever thought about the way I feel I said. Listen I am moving anyway just now its earlier Brie said. Whatever just whatever I said. Me and Kaitlin left the park she dropped me of at my house. Bye! I yelled. Bye! she yelled back.

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