Bullied: Justin Bieber chapter 27

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Hey so Its still on I was very much sad to end it. I couldn't bare to cancel. I have fans so Josh wont becoming just saying  he was supposed to be in early chapters So he is not gonna be in newer ones.

                                                                               ~Briana's POV~

I was finally home. The tour was such a mess but during the tour I had a baby. My dad will kill me for this but still! WHO FREAKING CARES I HAVE A WONDERFUL BABY GIRL! No one really cared when I told them. Besides you know who. My dad wants to kill tehbe. But on the bright side we have our own place in Malibu. There is no neighbor's. Tehbe is gonna be on Ellen. This is gonna work out. My dad and mom don't know are number. I laugh every time I call. So we have our own house and its thanksgiving we live with Dalton, Gabe, Dana, Cole. So the whole band basically. Well before I was cooking dinner I was making out with Tehbe on the couch. Weird? No, just I don't know how it got started. " Briana don't we have people coming?" Dalton said. "Even your parents" Dana said. " Damn it I forgot I invited them" I said. "Why is it a problem?" Tehbe said. "Because my mom is bringing Jesse" I said. "Jesse?" Dalton said. "My brother and he will probs wreck our house" I said. "Oh" Dalton said. Since they're from Vancouver they don't know him.

2 hours later.....

"Wanna know what would make a good thanksgiving story! They day you met Tehbe!" Mom said. "Ok well then we went to school and he thought me and my friend were weird. Then one day I threw something at him and he sat with me and my friend and tried to get me to say why I threw something at him. I never said. So that day and after he sat with us" I said. "Its not a very long story" Tehbe said.  

Bullied: Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now