jacksepticeye x reader

23 1 2

(Y/n) POV
Today me and this guy I had met on tinder are going on a date today. And by the looks of things he has already diched me. I look up at my phone to see 2 hours have past and still no one

I was starting to get impatient. I had this sinking feeling in my chest. This is the third time someone had diched me this month. I wanted to go to (faveorite restaurant). As tears stained my face and they dripped down off my checks I went to go and sit in my favorite booth in the whole restaurant. The waiter came along and he had green hair and he looked really cute. He asked for my drink and food choice and you gave it to him. Once he put in the order he came back and sat down across from me . "hello, I'm Sean what is your name " . "um (y/n) why do you ask". "Because I seen you outside waiting for someone for about two hours and then you came inside and I wanted to know why". You told him everything about how you were going to meet up with this guy but he diched so you just came inside. "Wow that's harsh to do something that mean to a beautiful woman like yourself". " thanks I'm flattered but I don't really know what to do now because I took the bus here and he was suppose to be my ride home ." " hey well I'm done work in about 10 minutes so if you want to stick around I could give you a ride home " " um OK b-" you were cut off by him telling you to wait and just go with it .
the rest is up to you ❤


Sorry I havent been updating lately but I've been supper busy with stuff so ya hope you liked it

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