Chapter One

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You were humming a little tune as you entered the market place. You held a book in one hand and your basket in the other. You greeted the people of the village cheerfully. They were polite and replied in kind, but you did not miss the whispers behind your back. You were different from everyone in the village. You were half elf. Your father was Genyc of the race of men and your mother had been an elf of Lórien. She passed on after an orc attack when you were only a child so you were raised by your father.

You ran your errands quickly, simply wanting to get home to assist your father. You began walking away from the last stall in the market only to run into the last person you wanted to see. Cellyn was everything you despised in a man. He had looks and he knew it. He was arrogant, rude and killed animals for sport rather than need. To top it off, he tried to undermine your intelligence on a regular basis which was really laughable considering how stupid you found him. "Hello, Y/N."

You tried to hide your grimace. "Good morning, Cellyn," you greeted before opening your newest book in an attempt to shake him off. Cellyn took your book from you and began flipping through it. "How can you read this?" You rolled your eyes. "I can read Elvish," you explained before grabbing the book from him. Your father had taught you both the Common Tongue and Elvish. You even knew a bit of Khuzdul. "I have to go help my father. Please excuse me," you said, sidestepping Cellyn and making your way to your home on the outskirts of the village.

"Y/N, is that you?" your father called from his study. You sighed thinking, "Who else would it be?" No one other than messengers ever came to your home. Everyone snubbed your father for marrying outside of his own people. In fact, one of the few that didn't was the one you knew as your aunt, Lady Galadriel. "Yes, Ada." Your father appeared with a smile on his face. He gave you the traditional Elvish greeting first, with his hand over his heart and a short bow. After you returned the gesture, he opened his arms for you to hug him. He was always insistent on you knowing the traditions of both elves and man. He even spoke to you in Elvish quite often but you usually spoke in the Common Tongue.

"I have some news, my daughter," he said to you when you backed away. "What news, Ada?" You always loved when your father gave you news. "From Lady Galadriel?" you asked. He shook his head. "I fear not. I am to go to Lake Town for a spell. The Master has sent for me," he answered, watching your face for any sign of hurt or anger. "When are we leaving?" You couldn't deny that you were excited. Your father always took you with him when he travelled. "I leave at first light. You are not coming with me this time. This journey is far too dangerous for you."

Yourheart sank in your chest. "Ada, I can take of myself." Genyc shookhis head. "No, Y/N. Not this time. I shall return in a month, no more noless." His kissed your forehead and went to his bedroom to pack for thejourney. The next morning, you waved goodbye from the door of your home as thefigures of your father and his horse grew smaller and smaller. "Novaer,Ada!" 


Ada= father/dad/daddy

Novaer = farewell

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