Chapter 7

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Juliet P.O.V.

I still can’t believe I met a celebrity like a REAL and FAMOUS one. I was currently walking along my usual route to ‘home’. I wonder what it would be like to be FAMOUS. Not just any kind of famous but actually from what you love doing. I must admit, I am jealous of those boys. I love singing.

I quietly walked along the footpath. It was late afternoon and most people were still working. I looked around me and watched my surroundings.  I love watching people and guessing what kind of lives they lived; like the old lady who was walking in front of me who looks warm and friendly. I bet you anything she is a sweet old grandma who bakes cookies. We both walked along the same path until the old lady turned right towards our local bookshop. I love collecting books, it is kind of like a hobby but I am not a bookworm I just collect. As I looked inside the bookshop, I realised the old lady was meeting her old man; who was reading inside. AWW, that is so adorable. It suddenly made me think of mum and dad. They have the best romance story ever. They fell in love, ran away together and made a family. So here I am.  I smiled to myself and sighed then I remembered I had to pick Adrian up from school.

As soon as I reached the house, I saw Ryan sleeping on the couch AGAIN for the millionth time. AHHHHHH. I seriously want to scream at him now. You see, my older brother Ryan has a habit of sleeping on the couch more than needed, even though he has his own room with a good size bed. But what I don’t understand is that RYAN is not a video gamer or an indoor person. He is a SURFER and a good one so shouldn’t be laying around sleeping all day. This year he got selected for an international surfing competition and will be representing America. If there is one thing that my brother has earned himself, except for being lazy, is that when he was 15 he got a scholarship for surfing. So now basically no one has to pay for him and his sports.  Ryan even looks like a surfer dude with sandy blond hair and my mum’s stormy grey eyes.

“Ryan wake up! It’s AFTERNOON.” I screamed/ shouted at him.

“5 minutes babe” Ryan groggily replied. SERIOUSLY! He is 19 year old and he is this STUPID. He drives me crazy.

“Babe, I am not your babe, get the hell up” I screamed in his ear. Ryan still had his eyes closed and pretended he didn’t hear me. That is it. I ran up to his side and shook him like there was no tomorrow.

“Cuddle with me” Ryan whispered in my ear seductively. This is retarded you can’t seduce your own fucking sister. I untangled my self from Ryan and went searching for dad.

DAD. A three letter word that has me worried sick for the past few months. My dad is not a druggie or an alcoholic or a crazy father. He is just not here. It is not because of work either. I have seen him sometimes, just wandering the streets on his own, in deep thoughts. It has been happening for a few months now. My mom tried to help but he just pushed her away. I don’t understand! He must realise that he is needed by not just mum but by Ryan and Adrian as well. Adrian is my 4 year old brother and my parent’s late child. Adrian looks so much like Ryan, it’s weird. At least they pass for brothers whereas me, I am the odd one out with brown hair and blue eyes. I hate how people think we are not even related.

“Ryan, I am going to pick Adrian up from kindy,” and I continued “and you better have woken up by the time I am back or ‘New York Times’ headline tomorrow will be “A younger sister brutally murdered her brother in his sleep”. 

“Fine no need to go spastic on me and I’ll warm up the food because mom will be back from work soon as well.” He replied with a smirk while I walked out of the house.

Mom does work but only part time as a teacher for disabled kids. She just started working again after 5 years with Adrian’s birth and then him growing up enough for Ryan and me to take care of him. She is a great and caring mother.

As I walked outside, the weather changed and now the wind was rustling past me. I saw other parents rushing past me as well with their kids. I suddenly remembered a fresh memory when for the first time ever Adrian was going to kindy and I had to drop him off alone. I clearly remember his kindy teacher thinking I was his mother. She even commented saying, “You must be an early mother”. I was very embarrassed.

As soon as I reached the kindy, Adrian was waiting for me on the steps with a few other students. But as soon as he saw me he came running into my hands. I have to admit I'm like his second mother. I love him so much. Pftt, even more than Ryan.


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