Sweater Weather (WaglingtonXMartha)

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Ok, so I know it's not sweater weather in Cyprus anymore, but I'm in Romania right now enjoying the cold weather (and the bit of wifi I'm getting at my aunt's house). So that's how this happened. Enjoy.

Martha sat down on the bench, enjoying the cool weather around her as she snuggled into the indigo scarf that was wrapped tightly around her neck. She looked around as birds and squirrels flitted from tree to tree, greeting each other with squeaks as cherry blossoms hung above, pink flowers  sheltering the small creatures. Martha tucked a piece of light violet hair behind her ear as she stood up, walking across the land to admire it in all its glory. It was spring, which meant that nature would be reborn, healing from the cold, harsh winter that had passed. She spread her arms wide as the swift wind blew past, chilling her cold body.

"Martha love, why aren't you wearing a jacket? You are going to freeze." Waglington called from behind. Martha turned around, laughing lightly as she did so.

"Because it's spring Wag. Nature called me here and I had no time to get ready." She replied swinging her arms around as she smiled, her eyes crinkling in the process. Wag smiled, dropping his gaze to the floor he chuckled lightly from under his hood.

"Well then you are lucky I came prepared." Wag pulled out a light purple sweater, accented by silver trimming, which emitted the calming smell of lavender. Martha squealed at the sight of it, grasping it firmly and spinning around with it. Wag chuckled at the sight before him as Martha slipped it on, snuggling into it. "I get that you like it then?"

"Like it? I love it! Thank you so much Wag. But what about you? Don't you have a sweater?"

"Martha, I have my wizard cloak."

"But Wag, spring is all about sweaters. That's why it's called sweater weather."

"Fine." Wag rolled his eyes playfully, shrugging off the wizard cloak as his grey skin came in contact with the sun. His red eyes and red tear streaks shone in the sun. He magicked a crimson sweater which he pulled on and smiled as he wrapped an arm around Martha's waist. They walked off into the tree canopy, completely ignoring the wizard cloak which was blown away like a leaf.

Hello Night Creatures. Hope you are enjoying the holidays and if you don't have any, well ok good luck my friends. Enjoy your days anyways.I just wanted some really cute WagXMartha moments because they are so underrated. If you liked this chapter please leave a vote. Comments are appreciated.

-Mikki Out-

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